Chapter Twelve

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Cheyenne POV:

"You ready, Jack?" Detective Monroe asked.

Jack nervously looked over at me.

"It's alright, sweetheart. I'm right here with you." I said and rubbed his back.

He then nodded and looked back to the detective.

The detective looked down at Jack's arm and saw the long scar running across it.

"How'd you get that?" He asked, cautiously.

Jack looked down at his hands before answering.

"My dad."

"Did he hurt you a lot?" The detective asked. "He hurt my sister more." He said as tears gathered in his eyes. "All because of me." He said weakly.

I frowned deeply and pulled him into my lap.

"Baby, none of this is your fault, do you understand? None of it. You're my boy and I'll do anything to keep you safe." I said and hugged him close to me.

"How often?" Detective Monroe asked. "Every day." Jack replied.

Detective Monroe looked over at me with the look of pity in his eyes. I fuckin' hated it when people looked at us that way.

"Are you happy with your sister?" The detective asked. "Yes, sir." Jack replied making the detective smile at him.

Jack also had a small smile on his face.

"I like Tennessee, too. It's pretty there." He continued. "I agree. I've been there."

"The people are nice there. Marley makes me laugh." Jack told him.

"So you want to stay in Tennessee with your sister?" Detective Monroe asked. "Yes, sir. She doesn't hurt me like my dad did. I don't want to go back to him." Jack said quietly.

After a short pause, the detective looked back to me.

"Ms. Clark, I'm going to make sure the charges against you are dropped. You'll have to file for full custody of your brother or he will go into the system and I don't want that for either of you." The detective told me.

My eyes lit up and my hands began to shake.

"How long could that take?" I asked him. "We will set up a court date. The thing is, Cheyenne, you'll have to face your father in court. You may have to stick around for a couple of weeks. We'll set up a place for you and your brother to stay and keep an eye on the two of you in case your father tries anything." He replied.

I had to face my father again. I didn't like it at all.

"Will he go to jail?" I asked. "I'm not sure. Since there isn't much physical evidence of the abuse maybe not, but I'm certain that we can get his right revoked and we will continue an investigation on him. We're going to contact the hospital to see if they have any photographs of Jack's injuries. If we can get those, he's as good as gone. As soon as this is over the two of you can go back to Tennessee." He told me. "Thank you so much."

"I'll call you tomorrow and let you know when the date is set." He said and shook my hand.

When we walked back out to Marley, I threw my arms around his neck.

"I'm guessing everything went well?" He asked. "They're dropping the charges and they're setting a court date for me to get full custody." She exclaimed happily.

The biggest smile came across his face and he picked me up, spinning me around.

"I have to stay here in Virginia until the court date, though." She continued.

I frowned and looked down at her.

"How long will that take?" I asked. "I'm not sure but they are setting up a place for Jack and I to stay." I replied.

"I'm not sure if I'll be able to stick around until it's over, Cheyenne. I have work." Marley told me.

I honestly figured that and it scared me.

"I'll stay with her. I want to see that bastard's face when this is over." Samantha replied.

I smiled over at the middle aged woman that had defended me for so long.

"Thank you." I told her.

"I'll be here tonight okay?" Marley said. "Okay." I replied and smiled.

I had gotten a call the next day from the detective. The court hearing was set for a week later. I was told that they filed a temporary restraining order until all of this is over and gave me the option to sign a permanent one after.

"I can't wait until this shit is over." I told Samantha as we sat in the small diner my mother used to bring me to when I was a kid. "I know, honey. Me, too. I'm so proud of you for doing this." She replied.

"Does this mean you will officially be my mom, Cheyenne?" Jack asked me. "Yes, baby. I will be." I replied.

A small smile broke onto Jack's face as he hugged my side.

It was all almost over. Thank God. If it weren't for Marley and the MC, none of this would have been possible.

Marley POV:

When I got back to the club house, I sat heavily onto the couch.

"Hey, brother. How'd it go?" Kade asked as he sat next to me.

"They dropped the charges. Cheyenne is filing for full custody of Jack so she had to stay in Virginia." I told him. "Stay? Is that a good idea, Marley?" He asked, doubt lacing his voice. "I don't like it either but the cops have her under protection. Plus, she has someone with her. A woman that used to date her dad. She vouched for Cheyenne and Jack. Honestly, if she hadn't been there, the trip would have been for nothing and Cheyenne would be in prison." I told him.

Kade sat back and let out a deep sigh.

"Poor girl. She's fuckin' strong. I'll give her that." He said. "Yeah." I replied.

He has no idea just how strong that beautiful woman was and will always be.

When she told me the news and that huge smile that broke onto her face that I had never seen, I realized that I wanted more than just friendship with her. It worried me slightly because I was twelve years older than her. Yes, age is just a number but to an eighteen year old, it could be too much of an age difference.

I wanted more than anything to stay with her in Virginia until all of this was over. I wanted to be there to protect her but I had to trust the cops there no matter how much I hated it.

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