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Four months later:

Marley POV:

"You may now kiss the bride."

Kade grabbed Sarah by her hips, pulling her to him before kissing her.

The entire MC stood and cheered for them.

I couldn't help to wonder if I would ever have the courage to do what Kade did.

Cheyenne had gotten her MC tattoo soon after Jack got out of the hospital and she showed it proudly. She was officially my old lady and our relationship couldn't be better.

Jack is still the angry kid and has already gotten suspended from school twice for fighting.

I tried not to think about it in that moment and only focus on my family. They were all having such a good time which had been scarce lately with all the shit that had been going on.

As Kade was grabbing Sarah's garter belt, I whistled loudly.

"Yeah bro! Get ya some!" I yelled out causing everyone to erupt in laughter.

"Marley!" Cheyenne scolded and slapped my arm.

At the reception, Cheyenne had been caught up in a conversation with Lana and Sarah while I talked with the MC.

"How's it feel to be a married man, Kade?" I asked him. "Feels good, man." He replied.

"You gonna ask Lana to marry you, dude?" Danny asked Ryder. "I mean, yeah. Not sure when, but it will happen." He said.

"So, brother." Dean said and looked at me. "Anything on the marriage or baby front?" He asked me.

A few months earlier, Cheyenne and I had actually talked about that. She had told me due to the damage her father had done, she couldn't have children.

"I'm not sure yet." Is all I said.

I knew Cheyenne was hurt by the fact she couldn't have her own children but she was still grateful for Jack.

I felt a small hand on my forearm and saw Cheyenne with a smile on her beautiful face.

"Hey, gorgeous." I said, giving her a small kiss.

"Jack's starting to get tired." She said. "Let's get him home and in bed then." I said before turning to my brothers.

"See you losers in the morning." I said before taking Cheyenne's hand.

"I love you, Marley." She said putting a smile on my face. "I love you, baby." I replied.

I fully intended on making this woman my wife one day. She even had an idea of me adopting Jack one day which I couldn't have agreed more with. He was my boy and I would do anything for him.

I thanked God every day for this woman and I would continue to do so.


Alaina Hart was a nurse in Memphis, Tennessee

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Alaina Hart was a nurse in Memphis, Tennessee. When she visits some old friends from college, Lana and Sarah Reyes, she meets the handsome bar tender, Danny Riker.

Danny Riker, who had spent most of his adult life having different women in his bed every night, wasn't prepared when the beautiful red head, Alaina walked into his bar. As he tries to get her between the sheets he finds himself falling for the stubborn woman.

MC Book 4

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