Chapter Fourteen

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Marley POV:

I watched as Samuel was being rushed into the ambulance, as my heart raced.

The man was a father to me for years. I didn't know what could have possibly happened to him and I fuckin' hated it.

"Marley." I heard Cheyenne's soft voice behind me.

When I turned to her, I saw her face soften. I couldn't imagine how I had looked at that moment.

"He's gonna be okay." She said gently as she took my hand. "How do you know that?" I asked weakly. "I don't know Sam well but I know he is a strong man. He'll pull through." She replied.

The woman had a heart of gold. I couldn't help but admire that about her.

"There's nothing we can do tonight, Marley. We'll go see him in the morning okay? Lana and Sarah will call if anything changes." She said before taking my hand and leading me inside.

An hour or so later, Kade walked in as he was on the phone.

"Okay, baby. Let me know if anything else changes... I love you, too." He said before hanging up.

"So?" Cheyenne asked.

"He had a heart attack.." Kade said quietly. "What?" I asked as he shot out of his seat.

"The man has always taken care of himself. How could that have fuckin' happened?" I continued, my voice raising.

"Marley." Cheyenne said softly.

"What?" I asked, a bit too harshly.

I sighed when her face fell.

"I'm sorry. I just don't know what to think." I continued, lightly. "I know." She replied before running her thumb across my cheek.

In that moment, I realized something. I was falling in love with her.

"I don't know what to do." I whispered to her. "You can't do anything right now, Marley. All we can do is wait. You need to rest." Cheyenne replied.

"Will you stay with me?" I asked her. "Of course I will."

Cheyenne POV:

Seeing the sadness in Marley's eyes was a little hard to handle. He had become my best friend in the couple of months that I had known him. I had noticed not long after though, that I was falling for him.

I wanted to tell him how I felt but every time I built up the courage, I quickly went away. I didn't even know if he felt the same. If I told him and he didn't feel the same, our friendship would be ruined.

The next morning when I woke up, Marley wasn't next to me.

I noticed that it was almost eight so I got dressed to go to the school to enroll Jack before visiting Samuel at the hospital.

After the long process of getting Jack's class room set up, the principal said that he could start the next day.

I called Marley on the way to the hospital, to let him know I was coming.

Sarah met me outside the door so she could show me to Samuel's room.

"How is he?" I asked her.  "They're going to put in a pace maker tomorrow. He'll be here for a couple of weeks." She replied. "Jesus."

When I walked in, I saw Jack sitting on Marley's lap along with Lana, Ryder, and Kade sitting around Samuel's bed.

"Hey, Sam. How do you feel?" I asked him. "Like hell." He replied with a short laugh.

"You'll be out in no time boss." Marley told him.

"Hey, big guy." I told Jack before kissing the top of his head.

Jack looked at me and smiled lightly.

He was worried about Sam. I could see it all over his face.

"He's gonna be fine, Jack. You'll see." I said to him, gently.

Jack only nodded and hugged me.

"It's okay, baby." I whispered to him.

That night, The MCs along with Jack and I headed back to the house.

The food was still on the table from the night before and the kitchen smelled horrible.

"I'm gonna clean up." I said, quietly. "We'll help." Lana replied before picking up dishes off the table.

What dishes we couldn't fit in the dish washer, I washed by hand as Marley dried and put them away.

I could see the worry for his friend on his face.

"It could have been so much worse, Marley. He's a strong.."

Marley put the dishes down, grabbed my face and kissed me, abruptly cutting off my sentence.

He pulled away slowly and looked at me.

I had no idea what to say so I just grabbed the collar of his leather cut and pulled him back to me.

We had a lot that we needed to talk about the next morning.

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