21 Telling a story

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**Alessandra's Santoro pov**

"Hey, Adrianna. What's up?" I greeted Adrianna on my phone. We are currently driving home, just minutes after the chaos at Enzo's Beach house.

"Alessandra...Enzo is sending cars to follow you." She said with her voice shaking.

"What? Fuck me. Ian, drive faster please..." I said to him and he nodded "Do you know what cars?"

"Um, two black and heavy cars. That's all I managed to see from my window."

"Thank you so much for calling me. But I have to go now, bye." I sighed and hanged up.

"Ian, Grayson, two black and heavy Audi cars are following us. We have to loose them." I informed both of them.

"Yes, ma'am." Ian smiled and started driving faster. He took multiple turns to the right and left until we finally lost them. Heh pussies, I really wanted for this to be a car chase, but apperently not.

"Can you tell me what was that about?" Sophia asked with her eyes wide open.

I sighed, here comes the worst part. "There's no easy way to say this Sophia, but um, Enzo and Giovanni are in the Luciano's mafia and Santoro's may be their enemies, we still don't know it yet." I said.

"I.. I... What? No, that can't be true." She stuterred.

"How come, when he has guns, drivers and people following us? People try to kidnap me to hurt them...How do you not understand that?" I asked her, my arms crossed and a serious look was plastered across my face.

"I..He..He wouldn't do that." Sophia sighed, clearly not wanting my words to be the truth.

"You met him four days ago, are you out of your mind?" I asked. "Sophia, you don't know him. I mean, clearly, I don't know him as a person well, but my parents told me enough about him. Men are the worse sometimes, you shouldn't trust them."

"Well.. I.. I don't know... I'm sorry, it's just that seeing you kill a man with a gun and then telling me that Enzo and Giovanni are in the mafia is a lot to fucking take in." She gasped.

"I know, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so harsh on you. You should have seen how I took the whole information in." I chuckled nervously.

"But you do know that you need to tell me what's going on though, right?" She looked at me. I knew that there was no going back after I spill to Sophia everything. But what do I have to loose? She knows almost everything about me, just a tad bit of information is not revealed to her yet.

So, I told her everything. Us being in the mafia, hell all of the people surrounded by us being criminals, about Giovanni and Enzo, and their family. It wasn't a lot, since Giovanni kept his life on the papers super private, not as private as us though.

"Oh my God, how could I mess up this badly." She whined, yet no tears escaped her eyes.

"We both messed up big. But it's fine if you think of it, really, time will pass and everything will be great, I hope. " I said. "Oh and you're going to stay with us for a bit."

"No no, I can't do that. I have a job and a house. And all of my stuff is there." She refused, way too stubborn.

"We have a lot of bedrooms there, your coming and that's final." I stated.


"No buts, Sophia! Stop! Your living with us and that's final, I don't care. We'll have people get your stuff in and out. You don't have to worry about anything. We have food and other supplies that you might need. Please, it's safer this way." I almost begged.

"Fine." She looked at me with an expression I couldn't quite read.

The car stopped finally and drove into the driveway. I took my crutches and walked into the house with Sophia, while Ian and Grayson took our laguage.

"Thank you," I mumbled to both of the men standing in front of us. "Now, please go get Sophia's stuff and her car." I said handing them her car and house keys, that Sophia gave me earlier.

I could hear footsteps appearing from behind us, I turned around and saw my mom walking towards us, with a sad expression on her face.

"Aw, sweetie." She cooed and took me to her embrace, carefuly. "Everything and everyone is okay, sí?" She asked and I nodded. Nothing and nobody was really okay. "No need to worry, your dad and your brother will sort out the issue eventually." She said and we both pulled away.

Moms eyes scanned me slowly, looking for more damages than my leg. When she found none her gaze fell onto Sophia, who was behind me.

Both of them gave each other a small smile before they pulled into a hug. After a few seconds of them whispering something I couldn't quite catch, they pulled away.

"Mom," I gained her attention when she turned to face me. "Sophia will be staying with us for a while, until things clear up and it's safe for her to go."

She nodded at me before saying, "Well then, come with me, I'll show you to your room." Sophia nodded in response and they both slowly started to walk away, "They are both in his office." Mom said, reading my thoughts.

Going upstairs with crutches is really a pain in the ass. When I finally climbed upstairs, I went straight into dads office without knocking.

"Did you not know, there is a knew thing, it's called knocking." Alessio said without lifting his head up from the papers that layed on the desk.

"No, I did not know a thing about knocking." I mocked him while walking towards them.

"How did it go?" Dad asked, his eyes scanning my legs, looking for the wound.

"Oh, yeah great, it was so awesome, I even got shot!" I exclaimed, faking my hapiness.

"You'll live." Was everything Alessio said.

"Frick you." I grumbled.

"So...what happened?" Dad sighed.

"Do you really wanna know?" I raised a brow. "Oh, and by the way, neither of you two knew that Giovanni was going to be there?" I said waving my hand side-to-side, pointing at them.

"No, Enzo's father told me that it will only be you, him, Sophia, Adrianna and the twins." Dad leaned on the table, crossing his arms.

"Just tell me how did you get shot?" Alessio looked at me annoyed.

"Alessio, God you're even more dumb than I thought you were. Now to answer your question, it's quite simple actually. When a person takes a loaded gun and points it at someone. You know, then he presses the safety to off and pulls the trigger. Bullets fly out and create a boom like sound... " I explained and I could hear them cursing through out my lesson.

"No, Alessandra, you know what I mean." He sighed and burried his face in his hands.

"If you think that I am some sort of abomination and the dissappointment of the family, don't stop yet. Prepare yourselfs for what I am about to say... Giovanni and I kissed, multiple times." I smiled innocently.

"What?!" Dad and Alessio yelled at the same time.

"Oh, did I mentioned that it felt good? I'd like to kiss him again." I said and Alessio slapped his hand on the table. He was growing angrier by the each stupid word that came out of my mouth.

"Yesterday, some tuff guy thought it would be smart to kidnap me," I said enthusiastically. "Wasn't a smart move though, ended up dead."

Dad and my brother grumbled something under each others breaths. "You need to rest, we'll figure everything out." Dad said.

I nodded "By the way, Sophia will live with us for a bit...I can't loose her to those...maniacs."


A boring chapter, sorry :/





Luvs you~

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