#3 "Effort"

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During the entire car ride, he kept glancing at her stomach. He wouldn't lie, when he saw Amelia and her watermelon sized baby bump, relief rushed over him. That could have been him, he could have been having a child with someone that didn't care for him that much.

"You know staring at my bump wouldn't make the baby pop out."

Logan gulped.

"Sorry I was just..."

"Thinking about how you dodged a bullet?"

She retorted.

"Thinking about how you're going to get from point A to B on your feet."

He saved himself.

"Well I'll figure it out. I always do."

She said looking out of the window.

Logan didn't add anything else to the conversation. He knew Amelia well enough to know to leave her alone when she was in one of her moods.

The ride to her apartment was quiet and as he parked in front of the apartment complex. She hopped out, opening the car trunk.

He rushed to her aid.

"Woah are you crazy? I'll help. What's your problem."

She bit her lower lip.

"I just want to do something without feeling like a damn invalade ."

She spat, hitting her hand against the car.

He could see the tears at the rim of her eyes as he placed her luggage on the floor. He took her hand, pulling her towards him. He wrapped his arms around her.

"You're not an invalade. Your body is carrying another human being. You need to take care of it."

She pulled away from him, wiping at her eyes.

"Well I don't feel so great."

She walked up to her apartment and unlocked the front door as Logan brought in her suitcases.

"You just let me know what you need. Your rent and tuition is handled."

Amelia folded her arms across her chest.

"You didn't have to."

Logan shrugged.

"It's not for you. It's for that little innocent angel inside of you. She doesn't have a choice in much of everything so I'm helping her out."

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it."

Logan said as he turned on his heel to leave.

Helping Amelia out was a decision he'd made when he'd found out about her being cut off. He'd spoken to Aurora about it and she was supportive of his decision.

It just added another reason to why he admired the girl, she was so selfless. She could have been against it after everything Amelia did to her but instead she jumped on the train and even mended their relationship.

So the next day when he sat in the auditorium waiting for his lecturer to arrive. He wasn't expecting for the devil himself to enter.

An instant scowl appeared on Logan's face as he grunted.

"Good morning class and welcome to Physiology 3005. I'm you're lecturer for the next thirteen weeks. Dr. Mateo Smith."


Logan grumbled.

"Is he horrible or something?"

The guy beside him asked causing Logan to look up.

"No. We just don't get along."

"Seems like a prig."

Logan arched his eyebrow.

"Yeah that's more like it."

The guy shook his head.

"And to think I thought USF would be chill."

"First time?"

The guy nodded.

"Something like it. I signed up for this college exchange program to spend a semester at another college. So I ended up here."

"And you're first lecture is with a prig. Must suck."

Logan added.

The guy chuckled.



He shook his head.

"Ahh the infamous Logan Andrews. Football captain at USF. All the girls in the program couldn't stop talking about you and bedding you."

Logan raised his hands up in surrender.

"I'm off the market."

"At university?"

Logan arched his eyebrow.

"What's wrong with that?"

Deron shrugged.

"Nothing. I just thought football captain, popularity, ladies and lots of ladies."

Logan chuckled.

"STDs are popular at USF. I rather not try to get one."

Deron laughed as a girl in the row in front of them turned around.


They both smiled as they focused their attention back on Mateo.

Logan had a bone to pick with Mateo. Not only was he stupid enough to sleep with another man's girlfriend. He got her pregnant and doesn't show up.

Yeah, Amelia didn't tell him about the pregnancy but anyone with two eyes could see her protruding stomach unless he was blind and Logan doubted that very much.

"I don't want our lectures to be boring. I'm looking forward to taking you guys out in the labs so we can look at the make up of bodies. A real hands on experience."

After two hours, Logan couldn't wait to storm out of that auditorium.

"Seems legit but I still say he's a prig."

Deron said beside him.

"Real prig."

Logan said his eyes cutting into slits at Mateo.

"Anyway man it was cool meeting you. I'll see you around."

Logan nodded.

"If you're looking for a good time Lagos is a really chill hangout."

"Thanks I'll check it out."

As Deron left, Logan gathered his things before attempting to leave himself.

"Mr. Andrews. A word please."

He cursed under his breath walking towards the stage.

"What's up Mateo?"

Mateo's eyebrow arched before he sighed.

"Listen Amelia told me you guys were broken up."

"Still doesn't make it right."

Mateo nodded.

"Noted. This is extremely out of bounds but have you seen her? She's blocked my number and I don't know why."

Logan shrugged.

"Haven't seen her since I saw her with you. Maybe if you made more of an effort to see her. You might actually see her."

Logan said as he exited the lecture auditorium.

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