#27 "Only One"

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"Hey have you seen Aurora?"

Caleb asked walking out of his room as Logan entered through the door.

Logan shook his head.

"I saw her walking with Zoe this morning when I left to go to practice. That was that."

Caleb's eyebrows furrowed.

"I haven't heard from her all day. It's not like her to not check in."

Logan wanted to roll his eyes. He was really starting to think that Caleb was rubbing their relationship in his face.

"Maybe she just wants space. Her ex boyfriend moved back into his apartment where she stays at with his best friend. That's a lot for her."

Caleb deadpanned him.

"I knew it."

"Knew what?"

Caleb shook his head.

"Nothing. Forgot I said anything."

Caleb was about to walk off but Logan stopped him.

"No speak your truth."

Logan wanted to know what was on Caleb's mind. What he knew.

"You're jealous of Aurora and I Logan. It's funny because you know nothing is ever going to come from me liking her."

"I don't know that."

Logan said in all honesty because he didn't. Caleb had a lot going for him, even with an injury he was performing at his best on the field.

He was there for Aurora and he treated her well. She would be foolish not to see where things went with Caleb.

"You know it Logan, you just don't want to believe it. Look getting at Aurora is not a competition for me, she's not a prize I can just claim. And I didn't tell you to come back just so that you could see us together and feel a type of way."

Caleb explained but Logan found it hard to believe. He'd been the worst friend to Caleb and Caleb just accepted him back with open arms. Why?

"Then why invite me back Caleb? Because it's been one day and I'm honestly tired of seeing the both of you together."

Caleb shrugged.

"What do you want me to do Logan really? Put her out? Stop being friends with her because you can't keep your jealousy under wraps?"

Caleb laughed as he shook his head.

"You know I've held off and I continuously hold off when it comes to her because I don't want to hurt you. Despite what you put the both of us through, you were there when I had no one and I respect that."


The call for help came from Jax's room pulling them out of their confrontation.

Caleb was the first to run into Jax's bedroom. With Logan on his heel, they both rushed to his side.

Jax was bent over on the floor, his hand in front of his mouth as blood came out.

He coughed again causing more blood.

Logan's insides churned. This was hard for him to look at.

"I can't stop coughing."

Caleb looked at Logan and Logan didn't like the look he saw in Caleb's eyes.

They both knew the possibilities of what could happen if Jax didn't take that surgery. But Jax had been too stubborn for his own good.

It constantly felt like he didn't want to fight anymore. He didn't want to do chemotherapy again, he'd made his mind up and everyone around him had to be okay with that decision. Well the ones he'd spoken to.

"I'm going to start the car, bring him down."

Caleb said as Logan nodded.

Logan had his hand on Jax's chest as he helped him get to his feet.

"Where's Aurora?"

Jax asked.

"She didn't come back as yet but you need to focus on you right now."

Jax shook his head, his free arm around Logan's neck.

"We already know what's going to happen to me."

Logan's teeth gritted together.

"Don't say that. We can still get you that surgery."

"Logan I'm not doing that damn surgery."

Jax spat.

"Now listen to me."

Jax ordered.

"She lets Caleb know where she is at all times. You don't know Deron, Logan, he's persistent. It took her years to actually leave him and that's when they were already broken up. You've got to find out where she is."

Jax coughed repeatedly as Logan led him outside to Caleb's Jeep.

Before he could help him inside, Jax held onto Logan's t-shirt.

"Promise me you'll find her?"

Logan nodded.

"I promise, I just need you to get help first okay?"

Logan replied as he helped him into the back seat of the car.

He climbed in the passenger seat, his mind racing.

He looked across at Caleb who was driving silently. He wondered how he was taking it.

The entire ride was silent and Logan knew why. This was like dejavu for Caleb.

Caleb had watched cancer take his mom away from him. He'd been the one back and forth with her until eventually she could no longer fight.

With his dad out of the picture and him being an only child, Caleb was lucky he was eighteen at that time. He could live on his own and take care of himself without being thrown into the system.

It was why Logan had told Aurora that Caleb was resilient. He'd been through more hell than anyone Logan knew, to remain still standing on his two feet, nothing could stop him from remaining there.

As they pulled up to the hospital, both men helped Jax out of the car as they walked him inside. Jax was beginning to go pale.

As a nurse laid eyes on him, she immediately ran to them with a wheel chair in hand and took him away.

The campus hospital was familiar with Jax's condition by now. He'd been in and out so much that he knew the nurses by name.

"That damn surgery."

Caleb muttered under his breath.

"He wouldn't do the damn surgery."

He said again punching his fist against the wall. Logan stood looking at the hallway Jax had vanished down and his best friend walking in circles beside him.

He thought, how could he be happy about getting recruited?

This entire semester had been a mess from start to finish. They were weeks away from being done with college and it felt like everything that could go wrong went wrong.

He took a seat on the chair, his head between his palms.

"I need to go look for her."

Caleb said beside him.

"I know you think this is some stupid crush I have for her but I feel in my gut that something is not right...."


Logan shook his head as he looked up at his best friend.

"I'm sorry that I put the pressure of being a good best friend on you and I let my jealousy continuously come between us. Go find her, I think you're the only one that could tell her this."

He said, his head pointing in the direction of the hall.

Caleb nodded.

"Keep me posted."

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