#9 "Thought I Did"

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They sat on a blanket out in the grass. Aurora was unpacking the picnic basket she'd brought as Logan just stared at her.

He was surprised when he'd seen the text message from her to go on a picnic after his training session.

All week she'd claimed she was busy with work and everyday Logan caught her and Caleb at Patsy's in the same seat across from each other.

He wasn't going to say anything because just like it did with Amelia, the truth would reveal itself.

"It's such a beautiful day."

She said as Logan nodded.

She arched her eyebrow at him.

"Is everything okay? You've been kind of cold ever since I met you at training?"

He nodded.

"I'm good. I saw you and Caleb talking before I came across. I didn't know you two were cool."

"Well he is your best friend so it would be in my favor to get in his good graces."

Logan nodded even though every inch of him didn't believe a word that she was saying.

She placed her hand on his.

"But really Logan. Are we okay?"

He nodded.

"Yeah I told you we are."

"It's one thing to tell me and another to show me. I'm not one for affection but you were the one that couldn't wait for public display of affection and now I come to meet you and I can't even get a hug."

Because I don't want your skin touching me after knowing what you've been doing with Caleb, his mind said but his lips said.

"Maybe I'm just not into it anymore."

Aurora shook her head.

"Logan can you actually tell me what's going on?"

He looked at her. Her curls out blowing in the wind, her flawless makeup less face. Her hazel eyes that attracted him to her.

Now he realized, they must have attracted Caleb to her as well. Everything he found attractive about her might have been what Caleb saw as well.

He may have had better game. She must like funny guys. He wasn't on Caleb's level of funny.

He read but maybe she wasn't into guys that read literature. She wanted someone a lot more rough around the edges like Caleb.

That's what Amelia had wanted right?

He should have read between the lines when he pursued her last semester. She wasn't interested and he forced it on her maybe that's why he was in the same predicament.

"Nothing is going on."

"Then talk to me."

Her voice rose.

"I feel like there's something going on that I don't know about and I just want you to talk to me."

"And say what?"

A chuckle escaped her lips.

"Are you upset because your mom told you that she came to visit me at Patsy's?"

His eyebrow arched.

"You spoke to my mother?"

Aurora nodded.

"Wow, so much for honesty."

"It was last night Logan and she only came because she's concerned about you."

He laughed.

"At least one person is."

He spat.

"What's that supposed to mean Logan?"

"Whatever it means Amelia!"

Her eyes widened.


He was mind blown, he couldn't believe he'd just said that.

"Clearly you need some space to clear your head."

She repacked the picnic basket.

Logan sat still in shock.

As she got to her feet, he could feel her stop.

He looked up and saw Deron smirking at her.

"Deron what are you doing here?"

She asked.

"I came to see my boy."

Logan looked between the pair, trying to piece together how they knew each other.

"Your boy?"

"You two know each other?"

Logan asked causing Deron to nod.

"Yeah, this is my ex girlfriend I've been telling you about. The one that cheated with my best friend."

Logan felt his brain explode.

He couldn't piece together this puzzle and what was actually going on.

Aurora raised her hands up in surrender.

"I've had enough of this for one day."

She turned to look at Logan.

"When you're ready to talk. You know where to find me."

Logan wasn't going to run after her. He didn't need any more explanations.

Deron took a seat across from him.

"I can't believe she's doing you what she did to me."

Deron said as Logan nodded.

He didn't know about Deron being her ex boyfriend or the fact that she'd cheated on him with his best friend.

Amelia and Jax were right, he didn't know Aurora as much as he thought he did.

"I'm sorry man but it's hard for girls like that to change their ways."

Logan thought about Deron's words, girls like that.

When he'd first met her, he thought she was different. He thought she wasn't anything like Amelia and all this time she'd been just like her sister, playing him and he'd fell for it.

"I should get going man."

Logan said as he got to his feet.

He'd screwed up so badly and there were relationships he needed to mend.

That night, he knocked on the hardwood door. His palms sweating because he didn't know what to say or how he'd face them.

When she opened the door and her eyes landed on him, he could see the tears run down her cheeks as she pulled him in for a hug.


She said his name, her voice cracking. It felt as if she never thought she'd say his name again.

"You were right mom. About her, she's not the one for me."

Layla led her son inside as they sat on the couch.

"What happened?"

Logan shook his head.

"She's just not who I thought she was. I don't know her as much as I thought I did."

He didn't want to tell his mom about his discovery. He didn't want to relive the entire Amelia reality over again.

He just wanted to play football and get drafted. Get off of this campus and leave everyone behind.

Layla placed her hand around her son.

"I'm sorry to hear that Logan."

But he knew she wasn't sorry.

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