#8 "Try Again"

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"Roses are red, violets are blue. Come here girl, I see our future and it's me and you."

Aurora burst out into a fit of giggles.

Helping Caleb had proven to be even harder than she'd expected it to be.

"That's really corny."

He threw a fry at her.

"Shut up. I'm no good at this."

"Then drop the course."

He shook his head.

"No way."

An entire week had passed of her helping Caleb and honestly he was no where close to improving. Next week would be week three of their thirteen week course. Aurora didn't know if Caleb was cut out for this.

"Why not like honestly? Caleb we've spent two hours every day this week sitting at Patsy's and you still come up with nothing. This is your last semester you can't afford to fail any course."

"Which is why you're helping."

Aurora didn't want to pry but she could tell that this was more than just Caleb trying to impress Violet. Not once had she seen Caleb text his girlfriend or even call her all week.

Before Caleb was never at Logan's apartment because he spent every given minute with Violet and now he was seated at Patsy's with her failing at writing poetry.


He raised his hand up as his eyes met hers.

"I know I'm not the best student but I'll pay you."

Aurora shook her head.

"No, I can't take your money."

Caleb deadpanned her.

"Aurora you're working at this crappy job that pays how much?"

"Sixteen dollars an hour."

She confessed.

"For how much hours?"

"I try to put in eight hours a day."

His eyes widened.

"Are you insane, Aurora you can't have classes and work an eight hour shift. Are you even sleeping?"

She looked down at the notepad in front of her.

"I can take care of myself Caleb, this is how I'm paying my tuition."

"And killing yourself. Why won't you just tell Logan?"

She shot up at him.

"Logan is already helping Amelia while refusing to take any financial help from his parents. I'm not going to put a burden on him that's not his to bear."

"Then I'm helping. I'll give you five hundred a week."

Her eyes cut into slits at him.

"I'm not taking your money."

"You don't have a choice. You're my best friend's girlfriend. I'm not going to watch you slave to pay tuition because you choose to be with my brother. That's honestly the most selfless thing anyone has ever done for him, so you're taking my help. I'm not doing this for you but for him, Logan needs someone like you in his life."

A sigh escaped Aurora's lips, she realized she couldn't fight Caleb on this.

Aurora didn't want to be a burden to anyone, this was her mess and she'd find a way out of it.

Later that night as she was about to lock up, the door opened.

Her fingers clenched around the broom handle.

If Deron thought he'd be coming into her place of work uninvited, he had another thing coming.

"Deron I swear if you don't..."

Her words got stuck in her throat as she turned around.

"Mrs. Andrews."

The honey skinned woman stood in front of her. Her hair bone straight falling past her shoulders.

She wore a tight lipped smile.

"My son won't return my calls and I don't know where he is so I thought it was about time I paid the culprit a visit."

This was the last thing she wanted to deal with this semester.

She couldn't take the constant drama in her life.

Aurora only smiled.

"Honestly Mrs. Andrews, if you're here to belittle and tell me how much you dislike me for your son, the door is right behind you. If you'd like to have a civilized conversation without accusations being thrown, I was just about to throw out a pot of coffee, I can make you some and we can talk."

When Mrs. Andrews eyes widened, Aurora knew she had shocked her.

She'd developed a spine over the Christmas vacation. One that she was proud to now have.

She was done with the insults on both sides by her parents and Logan's. She was done feeling inadequate and less than.

"I'll take a little creamer please."

Aurora smiled as she nodded and fixed the cup of coffee.

She locked the door before she placed the cup in front of Mrs. Andrews and took a seat.

Mrs. Andrews took a sip and smiled.

"Miss Patsy always knew how to make a good coffee."

"That she did."

Aurora agreed.

"Aurora I know you know why I'm here."

"I'm not too sure."

Aurora confessed.

With the Andrews you didn't know what to expect. She could have came to bribe Aurora to break up with Logan.

"I haven't seen my son since the day after I spoke to you last December. I've been patient, giving him his space to cool off because I get that he'd been upset, but it's been over a month now. His father and I don't know his whereabouts, we can never seem to catch up to him and he won't take my calls."

A sigh escaped her lips.

"That day I was honest with you, maybe a little too brutally honest and I apologize. I miss Logan, we were like best friends and now my son won't even speak to me."

Aurora could hear the hurt in Mrs. Andrews voice and honestly she wish she could help.

She'd told Logan not to lock off his parents. She even tried bringing them up in the past and he didn't want to hear it.

"Mrs. Andrews, honestly I'm sorry all of this happened. My intention was never for it to be like this."

"What did you expect when you went to him and told him what I said?"

She questioned.

Aurora shook her head.

"I went to break up with your son Mrs. Andrews since that's what everyone wanted but he wouldn't let me. I've told Logan not to hold onto the anger he has for both you and your husband and he won't listen. I can't push him."

"Then please at least try again."

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