#25 "Moving In"

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Logan stared at the closed door as he stood in the kitchen. He kept waiting for it to open, for Caleb to walk out but he'd been in there for over an hour now and it irked Logan.

He knew he lost every privilege of knowing what they were doing but he was still jealous. He still didn't want anything to actually be going on with them.

"Stare any harder and the door would just melt off."

Jax joked causing Logan to throw a slice of bagel at him.

Jax caught them bagel and bit into it.

"Thanks for breakfast."

Logan shook his head, laughing.

He really missed this apartment and being around his boys.

He couldn't believe he'd screwed all of this up because Deron put the idea in his head that Caleb and Aurora were messing around behind his back. Now he'd lost his girlfriend to his best friend.

Giggling came from his room causing him to look up.

"He's really sprung huh?"

Logan asked as Jax nodded.

"I want to lie because I know despite the fact that you royally screwed up you still love her but they look cute together. Just look at them."

Logan felt like if a knife had been pierced through his heart.

They exited the room together, a huge grin on Aurora's lips and Caleb behind her smiling.

When her eyes met his, her grin faded. It was like if she felt guilty to be happy with someone else.

Caleb pulled her towards the kitchen.

"What you making?"

Logan looked down at his bagels and cream cheese.

"Just bagels."

Caleb looked towards Aurora.

"You know I could do with some avacado toast and bacon to build back up my strength for the next game."

Aurora rolled her eyes.

"Caleb the doctor said you're fifty percent healed."

"Which means I'm one hundred percent ready to go back out there. I missed one game already."

He looked at Logan.

"You guys were fire though. That win was well deserved."

Logan cheesed.

"It was a tough call without you but we wanted to prove a point."

Caleb dapped Logan.

"That's what I'm talking about and on Friday we're going to be even better."

"With you of course."

Logan added.

He could see the worried expression on Aurora's face as she listened to Caleb.

He smiled up at her causing her to plaster a half smile on her lips.

"And Aurora is going to be there wearing my t-shirt with my number on it, cheering for me as usual."

She gave him a tight lipped smile as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Let me go grab my book I have something I've been working on that I want you to hear."

When he left, Aurora let out a sigh.

"He's stronger than you think."

Logan said causing her to look up at him.

"He just got injured eight days ago playing football and I'm just supposed to believe that he's recovered and ready to go back out there? That he won't get hurt again?"

"You care?"

Aurora rolled her eyes.

"Logan I'm really not up for your games."

He rose his hands up in surrender.

He watched as she mashed the avacado slices with salt, black pepper and lemon juice.

"I'm not saying it to be malicious and I get what you're saying but Caleb is resilient. If it's anyone that could bounce back from this injury, it's Caleb."

"I guess."

He held her shoulders, turning her so that she was looking him in his eyes.

Her hazel eyes reminded him of their first night at the beach refresher. How far they'd come and how much they'd fell off.

"Trust him. If he said he'll do something. He'll do it."

She looked away from him as she grilled the bacon slices.

"Yeah thanks."

Logan passed his hand through his hair. All he could think about was how he'd screwed up. How in that moment, he wished he could hug her but she couldn't even hold a conversation with him.

She grabbed the two plates and walked to the couch.

Not too long after, Caleb made his way out of his room and took a seat beside her.

He started to play with her curls as they ate. Poking her constantly which eventually turned into a play fight and then giggles.

Logan could see what Jax spoke about. They did look cute together, better than he ever looked with her. He needed to get out of the apartment before his jealousy got the best of him.

So he grabbed his car keys and left.

It was still early but Logan ended up at Lagos anyway. He found Matthew seated outside with a rolled one between his fingers.

"Got another?"

Logan asked as he took a seat opposite from him.

Matthew nodded, handing him a freshly rolled blunt.

Logan put it between his lips as Matthew lit it. He looked up at the sky as he exhaled the smoke into the air.

"So what brings you here?"

Matthew asked causing Logan to shrug.

"Life just is not working out as I thought it would?"

"How so?"

Logan shook his head thinking about the past months.

"Friday two scouts approached me for the Bobcats and the Redskins. They said I'd be the perfect candidate to get drafted."

"Yet you don't seem stoked about it?"

Logan nodded.

"I am. I mean I was..."

He tried to piece together what was going on in his head.

"But then I had no one to go tell that would honestly be excited for me as a certain someone that I screwed up with."

"You mean Aurora?"

Matthew asked.

"How did..."

"Cause I know the feeling. You know I messed around with her friend Zoe last semester. I told her I didn't want to be tied down in college thinking she'd still stay."

Matthew laughed shaking his head.

"I woke up one morning and she never came back. Thought I'd never miss her but I did, I do but now she has someone else. I thought it wasn't serious but turns out it is."

Logan had never heard Matthew ever talk about a female, he was always just focused on himself.

"How do you know?"

"I overheard the dude talking a night in Lagos saying that they were thinking about moving in together."

Logan's eyes widened.

That was a huge step. He thought about Aurora being left alone in her apartment. How would she handle that?

He'd be gone as well as Caleb. Who'd be there to watch out for her? What if Deron just appeared? What would happen to her?

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