#30 "Focus On You"

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Aurora crawled on the couch beside Zoe wrapping her arms around her friend.

She hated seeing her best friend like this. She was a shell of herself.

Zoe took the news the worst, she wasn't eating, she wasn't sleeping. Caleb had to invite her to stay at their apartment because she wasn't even staying with Kiron anymore.

It was like if she'd just shut off completely. Aurora didn't know who that woman on the couch was but it wasn't her best friend who was usually full of life.

"He's going to be okay."

Aurora tried to comfort her.

Zoe shook her head as the tears flowed.

"Stop lying to me Rora. I saw him in there. You and I both know that he's giving up."

"Shush don't say that."

Zoe cried.

"I was such a horrible friend. I was never around. I should have been around. I should have been there more instead I was focused on stupid guys when I knew..."

She sobbed.

"I knew he'd had cancer before. I knew the possibilities of it returning. When he'd join track I felt in my gut that he shouldn't have and I still didn't say anything."

Aurora couldn't help her tears that began to flow.

"I love him Aurora and I screwed it up by staying away by not telling him how I felt and dating a bunch of guys."

"Zoe there was nothing you could have done."

Zoe nodded.

"I could have told him. Now he's with Zara. She's the one by his side when you're not there. She's the one he's crazy about and I'm just Zoe the ex girl friend."

"You are more than that to Jax and you know that."

Zoe shook her head.

"I pushed him away Aurora. Learn from me."

Aurora's eyebrows arched.


"Caleb is a great guy. He's opened up his apartment not only to you but to me. He's been back and forth at the hospital handling us both. He's crazy about you."

Aurora didn't want to talk about Caleb, not right now anyway. He wasn't important at the moment, not when Jax was on that hospital bed in that room.

"He's also Logan's best friend."

"And Logan screwed up royally. He's been screwing up since last semester with Amelia. Don't let a guy like Caleb run away because you're scared. Look at me."

Aurora hugged her friend. She didn't want to talk about this.

"So this is what we're going to do. You're going to go take a bath in Jax's room and I'm going to go take a shower myself and we're going to go spend some time with Jax today. Just the three of us."

Zoe opened her mouth to object.

"Nope. I'm done with your excuses. It's time you saw him Zoe."

A sigh escaped her lips as she nodded.

Aurora decided to use Caleb's room since she'd given Logan his room back. She spent most of her nights sleeping in Jax's room with Zoe anyway so it'd be unfair for him to have to sleep on the couch.

Stepping out of the shower, she sat on his bed, a piece of paper sticking out from under his mattress.

What was it with these guys and mattresses, she thought as she pulled the paper out.

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