#10 "Afraid"

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Aurora plopped herself down on the couch, her hair in a messy bun as she sat next to Zoe

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Aurora plopped herself down on the couch, her hair in a messy bun as she sat next to Zoe.

Her energy had been really low lately. She tried to convince herself that it was work and studies getting the best of her but she knew the truth.

"He still hasn't called?"

Zoe asked as Aurora shook her head.

She looked at the metal object in her hand.

It had been over a week since their disagreement at the park and Logan made no attempt to get in contact with her.

After two days she'd sucked up her pride and tried calling him but to no avail, every time he'd sent her to voicemail.

She didn't get how all Christmas vacation they'd made so much plans of being together and spending time with each other since it would be his last semester. Then it all just went down the drain because he'd pulled away from her and Aurora didn't know why.

She questioned if it was Deron but what could he possibly tell Logan that would make him pull away from her? What happened with Max, Deron knew very well, he couldn't hold that against her.

She passed her hand over her face.

"It would just be nice to know where we stand because I think he's over the relationship."

Zoe frowned.

"Trust me he'll be back. One minute they don't want you and the next they want you when you've moved on."

Aurora's eyebrows arched.

"Are we talking about you or me?"

A sigh escaped Zoe's lips.

"Matthew finally decided that he wants me and it's like I can't. All of last semester I tried to show him that I was serious and he wasn't, he didn't want to be tied down. Now he saw me with Kiron, he knows he wants me."

She shook her head.

"It doesn't work that way."

"So the guy I saw sleeping in your bed is a thing?"

Zoe shrugged.

"I mean we're just having fun. There isn't a label or anything on it and I'm taking my time. I don't want a repeat of Matthew."

She said rolling her eyes.

Aurora understood because she knew her friend had really liked Matthew. She also knew that Zoe still liked him. Aurora just wasn't going to pry, Zoe was grown.

"Okay just be smart and don't get pregnant."

Zoe deadpanned her best friend.

"No offense but I'm not Amelia. How is that working out for her though?"

Aurora shrugged, she had not spoken to her sister much since they returned to campus. Mainly because Amelia had a lot going on seeing that it was her last semester. Aurora wanted to give her that time to see about herself.

"The last time we spoke, she still had not told Mateo about being pregnant."

"Do you think she ever will?"

That was a question Aurora couldn't answer. She hoped her sister would, she didn't think that baby deserved to grow up in a world without her father but it wasn't Aurora's place to pry or give her input in Amelia's life.

"I don't know."

Zoe got to her feet.

"Anyways I should go, Kiron and I are going to Lagos to play some pool and grab some drinks".

Aurora pulled her knees up to her chest.

"Be safe and have fun."

"Always am and will do."

Zoe blew Aurora a kiss as she exited through the front door.

Aurora didn't want to sit at home and mope about Logan. She knew from the beginning that there was a huge possibility that they would not work. She had to accept the fact that this was that possibility. She couldn't fix them because she didn't know what the issue was.

A knock sounded at the door causing her to drag herself to it.

As she opened it an instant scowl formed on her lips.

"How do you know where I stay?"

"I found out."

He responded, a smirk on his lips.

"Lose my address Deron."

Aurora spat as she went to close the door but it jammed.

She looked down and saw his shoe blocking the door.

She looked up at him, his dark brown orbs staring into hers and that smirk she knew too well. Deron wanted to talk and he wouldn't leave until he got what he wanted.

"We need to talk and you know I don't take no for answer."

"Of course I know that's why we broke up right."

She fired causing him to laugh.

"Aurora are you going to let me in?"

She pondered his question, shaking her head.

"Whatever you have to say to me, can be said right here."

His smirk turned into a scowl as he grabbed the handle of the door, pushing it back and with it Aurora.

Her heart rate increased as she looked up at him closing the door.

"I asked nicely Aurora. I left when you asked me to at your workplace, I allowed you to run off at the park but you like it when I'm the bad guy right?"

"What do you want Deron?"

She asked, her voice losing its confidence.

He shrugged.

"A hug would be nice, a tour of your place, a welcome to USF considering the last time I heard from you was when you told me about cheating on me with Max and you just disappear."

"I didn't cheat."

She spat.

His jaw tightened as his hands clenched into fists.

"That's not how I saw it."

He would never see it that way.

"We were broken up, I left you. It was a year after, Max and I were both drunk and we kissed, that was it. Nothing happened, you know that."

He walked closer towards her causing her to take a step back.

"And that's why I'm here to forgive you. Take you back even after you hurt me."

Aurora shook her head.

"Deron I'm seeing someone."

He laughed.

"You sure he's seeing you? Because last I heard he was done with you."

He walked towards her, Aurora stepped back but her back pressed against the wall.

His palm touched her cheek.

"I'm not going to hurt you Aurora."

He pressed his lips against her forehead.

"I'll give you some time to think. See you around."

As he walked out of her apartment, she dropped to her knees as the tears flowed.

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