#15 "Distance"

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It was game day and the stands were filled of supporters. Logan could hear the cheering from the crowd as they sat in the locker room.

He'd managed to suck up his pride and throw the ball to Caleb.

Coach was right, he wanted to get drafted and the only way he'd be able to do that was if he threw the ball to Caleb and not to Michael. He could be mature about it and handle things professionally on the field. Off the field...

He had nothing to say to Caleb unless it was concerning the game and their plays. Other than that they didn't speak. There was nothing Caleb could say to him.

He sat on the bench in the locker room conversing with some boys on the team when he heard a throat clear.

He looked up and Amelia stood with her hands on her hips. Her oversized sweater hid her protruding baby bump. He could sense by the scowl on her lips that her baby daddy caught up to her.

"Logan can I have a word please?"

He nodded as he walked her outside of the locker room.

"What's up? I kind of need to be in the right head space right now."

She laughed, her eyes cutting into slits at him.

"That's funny because you didn't think I needed to be in the right head space when you went and told Mateo that I was pregnant!"

She yelled.

He didn't think Mateo would have found her or even told her. He was mad at the world, mad at her and he'd just let it out.

He shrugged.

"So what? He knows he's a father now. He's probably stepping up to the plate."

"That's beyond the point Logan."

Her nostrils flared.

"You had no right."

She shoved him.

"That was not your place. You had no right."

A tear rolled down her cheek causing her to fan at her face.

"I hate these damn hormones. But I'm done with you Logan, I don't want your help, financially, physically, emotionally, anything! I'll do this on my own!"

She spat as she began to storm off.

Logan grabbed onto her hand.

"Amelia you know that's crazy... I offered to help and I'm going to help."

She scoffed.

"Help? Or are you trying to control the situation? You told Mateo in front of the entire class, everyone knows who you are and that I'm your ex girlfriend. That was my business and you just put it out there. You had no right Logan."

Logan could feel a pang of guilt as he looked at her tear filled eyes. He had stepped out of line.


Coach called behind him.


She raised her hand up.

"Save it Logan and go be with your team members. I'm so done with the guys on this campus."

She spat, walking off.

Logan felt terrible. He'd been angry at Caleb and Aurora and Amelia suffered the brunt of his wrath. She didn't deserve that not when she was already with child. Not when this was the most challenging time for her.

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