*• Chapter 8: I Know Your Secret •*

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The next morning I woke up feeling uneasy. Although I had to get ready and shit, I most likely would have to walk with Stan to school. Since he got in trouble and would be bruised from his dad's beatings, we can't take the car.

 Since he got in trouble and would be bruised from his dad's beatings, we can't take the car

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I got up and got ready not bothering to eat breakfast at all. Too much happened last night and I couldn't even think straight. I then walked out of my house seeing Stan at the front waiting for me. He had a faint bruise on his eye, but I swear it would've gotten more bruised if he was hit more.

"Hey." Was all he said as we started walking down the sidewalk. I gave a small wave and he just talked about Syd the whole way. The only thing I paid attention to was when he asked Syd out to homecoming. Obviously, she said yes, why wouldn't she? The rest of the way though he saw I became upset so we just walked in silence.

When we got to school, we parted ways and Stan went to find Syd and talk to her about her so-called powers I bet. I went to find Dina who was talking to one of the popular girls named Mercedes.

"Hey, Dina." I waved and the two girls waved. I wasn't as close two any of the popular girls but they seemed to kind of looked up to me. "I gotta go I'll see you last period Dina." Mercedes smiled before heading off.

"Cmon, we'll have Chemistry soon."

— • — • —

"As the temperature increases, if an atom loses one or more electrons, it becomes oxidized!" Mr.File exclaimed even though nobody gave a shit about what he said. "Uh... Yeah, okay. Goggles up. Bunsen burners on, and please, please, please, nobody burn down the school." He pleaded as I just took notes in my notebook.

I was working right next to Stan and Syd was behind us minding her own business. When Stan turned around I literally could hear everything he said. Kinda was a bad whisperer.

"Look, I know that we said that that thing is a secret, and it is, totally safe with me, but we have to talk about it

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"Look, I know that we said that that thing is a secret, and it is, totally safe with me, but we have to talk about it." He whispered to her and Syd seemed annoyed and didn't want to talk about it.

"Stan, which one goes first, the Sodium or Chloride?" I asked trying to get his attention. "The Sodium." The smart kid in the class named Ethan answered who was sitting in front of me. "I wasn't asking you, Ethan." I spat and he backed off.

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