Another "Amazing" Day

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Sam's POV

I was going to the bus stop, it took about 15 minutes for the bus to show up. I stepped on to the bus. "Great another 'amazing' day," I said to myself with sarcasm. I sat down in the only empty seat there was and just zoned out for a few minutes. "Well look at what we have here," said Jordan.

Let me tell you who Jordan is. Jordan is the guy who bullied me everyday since I moved here in California from New York. "Leave me alone Jordan."

"What are you goning to do if I don't?"

I tried my best to ignore him. Then he started to tease me more. "SHUT UP JORDAN, YOUR ACTING LIKE A DUMB FOURTH GRADER WITH YOUR SHIT INSULTS!" I shouted.

He then pushed me against the bus window and left, sitting back in his seat.

It was then time to get off the bus. I went inside of the school. I quickly put my things up before more people came in the building. I went ahead to class even though the bell didn't ring yet. "You're quite early Sam" said the teacher. "Yeah I know." I sat down grabbing my homework out of my bag. After about ten minutes everyone came in the classroom.

"Alright everyone, I'm going to be rearranging seats, so everyone grab your things and stand to the side of the room." The teacher then pulled out her clipboard. We all moved away. There was no room for me to fit so I just stood more on the other side of everyone. I looked up seeing these two girls, Sally and Kathy whispering to eachother while laughing and looking at me. I just ignored them.

Then Kathy came up to me and smacked my books down from my hands. "Oops sorry," she said in a bitchy way. I picked my things back up and just put them in my backpack so they wouldn't get knocked down again. Then the teacher started telling everyone where to sit.

To my horrible luck I had to sit next to Jordan. I much rather have sat next to Kathy or Sally than this idiot.

Samantha RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now