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Sam's POV

It was the next day. As I was sitting next to Jordan he was starting to get on my nerves by either cheating off of my paper, tapping my shoulder and pretending he didn't know who it was, to just calling me childish names. He litteraly acted like a kindergartener who was trapped in a 15 year old boy's body.

After we did our flashback the teacher announced that we had a new student. "Alright everyone we have a new student, please make him feel very welcome." Then a tall boy with dark brown hair and hazel eyes walked in. He was quite charming I have to say. Then he introduced himself. "Hi I'm Kaden, that's about it."

"Alright you can go sit behind Sam and Jordan." The teacher  pointed towards us.

He walked over and sat in his seat. Class went by fast. I guess it was because I didn't pay no bit of attention to what we were doing.

As I was going to lunch I remembered that I had no one to sit with, so I just sat at an empty table. I zoned out. "Hey, can I sit here?" I heard a voice, I looked up seeing it was Kaden. "Yeah sure," I said in an awkward nervous way. Kaden sat down infront of me.

"So your Sam right?"

"Yeah that's me, and your Kaden right?"

"Yeah that's me."

"So why are you sitting alone?" He added.

"Oh, I just didn't have anywhere else to sit."

"Oh ok."

We talked for the whole lunch period.

Later after school was over, Kaden came up to me before I went inside of my car.

"Hey, are you free this Saturday?"

"Yeah I'm free."

"Okay, well see you then."

We both waved goodbye. As he was walking away I saw Jordan giving me a rude look. It was nothing new so I just ignored him and went inside of my car with my dad.

Samantha RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now