Chapter 14

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I got at Change's house and she was not there. The prick, just like Juliette, decided to keep quiet. I roughed him up, which he viliantly did not take. He gave up a good fight, throwing a fist to one of the police officers. That landed him assault charges. He was booked then we started searching the house. High and low but no sign of her even stepping there was found. We were giving up, then  I spotted Jason's clothes inside his clothes. Clever.
He refused to say anything.

I went back home and Miranda was on the couch watching television. It was seven in the morning, when did she get home?

"HI father?" he said in a bored monotone. I was a little taken a back by her tone. She was always a sweet little girl.

"Miranda, when did you come home?" I asked after shaking it off. Maybe she was having a rough morning and she probably did not sleep well like me, so she gets a pass for the attitude.

"I was with mom. At uncle Ray's house." She said it casually. As of I was supposed to be knowing that. I had no idea  where Sharon was, In fact, I was unsuccessfully calling Ray over and over to help me with the search. No wonder he was rejecting my call. But why, he did not like Sharon. And vice versa. Why would he hide her? That did not make sense. Miranda was going crazy.

" What are you talking about?" I even laughed in the middle of my question.

She actually rolled her eyes at me. "Please don't tell her or anyone that I told you, but they have been having an affair for a very long time now. I heard her tell him that she was going to leave with Jason and Sheila, then they would disappear together. I was so angry, I tried to leave, but Ray grabbed my hand, he broke my hand dad. "She cried. Indeed she had bandage on her right arm. Now, I was Fifty percent into buying her crap.

" Are you sure about this? "I asked patting her back trying to console her. I did not know what to do with all that.The crying, She wouldn't stop crying.

" Am I sure? You don't believe me? Oh my God, just like Ray said. That no one would believe me. "She was so immotional she hicupped every other second ."Those two have been fooling you for years. "She added.

She looked like she had swallowed Bewrayer or her cousin, Zhela. Whatever She was spewing was toxic, Which was weird because we raised her right. We gave her everything she ever needed, how... Why would she turn on Sharon like that?

I knew I wronged her but Sharon was a better person than I was. She would never cheat on me with anyone anyone much less my best friend.

"Have you been talking to your cousin?" that question just got away from me. She suddenly looked at me like I just crushed her soul.

She shook her head in disappointment, before she grabbed her car keys, " I am out of here. Check your phone, I sent you a preview of what they are doing behind your back. What they are doing right now but it won't matter to you because you are also sleeping with that witch Zhela too. "She spat, venomously before running out the door.

I wanted to go after her, but my phone went off. She had sent me a file. I quickly opened it regretted why.

"Son of a bitch!"
I turned around running, I almost fell before I got to my car.

I took a turn my heart threatening to rip out of my chest. I could not believe it. I wanted to not accept, I wanted to think that maybe it was a mistake. But it was her.

I pulled over to have a chance to let a little out but I ended up crying for hours.

How could Ray?
My wife! He knew what Sharon meant to me, was that his twisted payback for not letting him be with Sheila? Oh God I need a drink.

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