Chapter 5

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I woke up the next day with due to the smell of freshly made Latte. I sniffed the magnificent aroma, then my brains digested the presence of food, and that got me fluttering my eyes like Crazy.

Once I had adjusted to the blinding light, I looked up to find Dean watching me. He has set the tray of food on the table beside me and set himself to watch me. Other would have found it creepy, but I found it really sweet. He was calm and handsome and I just wanted to kiss his lights out. He had cleaned up really well that morning, and all the mornings he was sober.

"Good morning." he greeted wearing a beautiful smile. His voice, When his lips curved like that, was melodious. I smiled back feeling like a stupid teenager . "You looked so serene, I didn't want to wake you." He further explained still smiling and not breaking his gaze. His smile increased and I bet it was because I was blushing big time.

He gave me an ounce of mercy, when he walked to the table and picked up the mug, then still being careful, he handed it to me. With my free hand, I brushed my hair, in an attempt to make it not look like I just escaped a madhouse. God, I knew I looked awful. Hair was sticking out, I knew that, because I almost chocked on some wayward strands, when I was salivating on the lattee. " Thank you."I said as I took a small sip." God this is so tasty, you know I could never make it taste like this? "

It was true, I tried to, but it was never like his.

"You are welcome, I have a secret ingredient ." He slowly sat in front of me as he whispered the word secret .He leaned in slowly and planted a kiss on my lips. Then he went back to looking at me.

"What is this secret ingredient?" I whispered to play along.

"It is a secret."He smiled kissing me again." Here. "he handed me my phone back and he already had this pitiful face, that made me forget that he stole my phone. I couldn't scold him. I tapped the screen and Jason's pic, my wallpaper, popped  up.

"Oh my God! The kids." I yelled damping the latte, well the cup,on the side table. The cup was already empty, I had really powerful sips that I emptied it in seconds.I scurried up but wrestled  me back down.

"Relax. Let me take care of you for once." I sat back confused.How is not going to my kids taking care of me? You know I got used to attending to them, all alone that it sent me freaking out for no seeing them. "I already dressed him up for school."

"It is my day to..."

"All taken care of, my darling. Just lay down and let me take care of you, besides, it is already ten, too late I think..."

"Right." I said sitting back. Consequently, he let out a huge sigh.

"I just want to take care of you." He brushed hair away from my face.

"But you do take care of me...Of us." I stroked his cheeks, looking deeply in his eyes.

"It doesn't compare to how much you take care of me. I want you to feel it like I have felt your care for me, all these years. "

"It doesn't have to be equal, I am the mom, the wife. I use the love you give me to care for you. Don't you see how much that means? "

"You mean it?" he asked kissing the palm of my hands then resting his cheeks on it. I nodded.

" I mean it. "I affirmed.

It was way past one o'clock when I left my home for My store. It took Patrick's intervention for him to allow me to even take a bath. Of course, Patrick was shocked to see us like that, happy. He made me question if I had been a little too naive, but I wanted to be happy.

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