Chapter 4

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That day, I kept to myself. All the anger, disappointment and pain, I shoved them deep down as I tried to work, to distract myself. The room felt so cold, despite my secretary complaining that it was a replica of sauna. I didn't feel it. It was weird that this was the time I started noticing these small, small things about my employees and above all, my secretary.

I had known Angela Stone during my second year at the University, though at the time, She was Elizabeth stone. She was just a class below me and she was a dynamite. Having ran from a mother who did not give a damn whether she died or lived, She saw herself through everything. It wasn't that hard for her though, since her body was a money maker. Her voice, She had this soprano that could wake the dead.

When she came to me in the bathroom during infinity anniversary, I couldn't believe it. She actually begged for my help. Lucky for her, the spot was vacant and we had been working together ever since.

Once Angie's image disappeared, Dean's face showed up and I became so angry, I could almost explode. I felt like the biggest fool on earth . And it hurts so much because I didn't know what to do if I ever found out that they were really together. It hurts even more to think that he thought that I would cheat on him. He listened to his mistress and accused me wrongly, instead of asking me.

It was ten and I had done absolutely nothing income-generating, but zone out . I tried to pull it together, but it wasn't working.

Giving up, I pilled up files of records that were scattered in front of me, and put them away. I needed food . I was starving and that was why I wasn't concentrating.

After justifying hundreds of times that it was just a set back that would pass once food was in my belly, I grabbed my coat and put it on. I took my bag about to leave but that was when the door cracked open. I was expecting Angela, you know...not the drop-dead handsome man in front of me.

He shaved! YAY!

"Dean!" I mouthed under my breath.
"Honey." He whispered, before shutting the door. His head slightly tilted to the right, his eyes never left mine.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, just to break the silence. He was watching me, deeply. As if it was the first time that he had set his eyes on me, as if his intent was to take away my breath.
He stepped forward his mouth slightly agap but not a word coming out of it. I couldn't step back because of my desk. So I just stood still.

"I am sorry?" He said.

"No, you screwed up." I snapped, almost in tears. He couldn't make me feel unwanted for weeks, insult me the way he did;enough to make me miss the important meal of the day, then just say sorry and expect me to forgive him"You fucked up. "

"I know and that is why I am standing here telling you that I am sorry. I have been a horrible husband and a lousy father, please forgive me."

"What were you and Zhela talking about."

"Nothing... It was nothing. just know that I will always, always, choose you no matter what!"

"What do you even mean by that? You choose me?Look! Dean, I am very busy right now, so why don't you go back to work, I believe you have a kingdom to run?"I derided.

"You are busy? You were just about to go out. "He pointed, eyeing the handbag clutched in my hand." You know that I won't leave until you forgive me. "He said stubbornly.

I raised my brows daring him to stay. He wasn't going to have his way using that trick this time.
" Be my guest then. "


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