Chapter 20

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It had been unnerving three weeks and no one had heard from the  very dangerous crime duo. Patrick vanished from the face of the earth just like that and no matter how many times the police turned and rearranged stones, they still got nothing,Except solid proofs and evidence that only proved that they were the town's badguys.

The investigation on Angie's death pointed to an accomplice that wasn't known, I mean the bank's camera caught nothing because it wasn't working on that day. Creepy? Do not mention it. But these people knew what they were doing. The whole shenanigan was premeditated, plotted and executed with utmost diligence. It was clear either Patrick or Zhela did it. Most probably Zhela. She had the smoking gun,the phone and money, under her possession.

I had wholeheartedly apologized to Ray and  was shocked that he understood me. He completely fogave me and even provided me with everything he had done, the case he had put up to defend himself. I gotta say he had a pretty irrefutable case. Anywho, I got to learn about how he had put a tab on Patrick and because of that, he was able to save Change, whom Patrick had left for  dead the same day Zhela had tried to kill me.

I took over his case and pretty much his life.
I had asked the police  to give out false information  to protect him because if Patrick found out that he was not dead, he definitely would come back to finish what he had started. The police department had actually wanted to use him as bait, to draw him out, but I said no. It was too risky. I also forced them to not tell Sharon anything about anything, they were to leave her out of the whole crusade until all the culprits had been apprehended and in custody.

It was not easy to lie to her,to look her in the eyes everyday and not spill the beans. It became even harder when she said she wanted us to be okay for the children. She was really trying her best; We were not constantly at each other's throat anymore, even though we were not exactly back together. We had a deal; Be us in front of the children and then we can scratch each other's faces in the bedroom. Except we could not do that because Jason would suspect that we were acting . Man it was like sneaking around all over  again and I got to admit, It was pretty exciting. On my part at least.
Last night, she walked in on me on the phone with Change's caretaker and I panicked. She tried to pry, I didn't spit and we ended up fighting over it. She talked, yelled and I listened. I think my  not-talking annoyed her and she ended up crying the whole night. I did not know what do anymore. I love her with every fiber of my being but her safety was my number one priority. Her knowing that Change was alive would only put both of them in danger. Change in danger of being killed and Sharon risked hating herself. If it was because of her that her friend died, it would kill her. Well, to keep my mouth shut, I had to make myself scarce. I had not seen her since Nancy drove the children to school and it frightens me.

I nervously looked at my watch waiting for lunch time to arrive so I could take advantage of it. If the kids were there, she would not want to kill me and since I  did not get to touch her in the morning, I planned on doing now. It was my only chance and I kind of got used to the reaction I got. Every time I touched her, she had that look. As if asking me to go on.

You are Crazy. She hadn't forgiven me for the cheating and by the looks of things, it is not happening any time soon. She hated me even more after learning that Zhela was the one that framed her.

I deserved it. All the disdain, the blueballs, everything I was getting. I mean how stupid could I be? What was wrong with me? I couldn't believe I kept seeing Zhela like that. I know, Patrick nudged me all the time but I wasn't stupid to just follow him like a puppet. I kept going back. Claiming she needed me. I gave her necklace to her because Patrick wanted me to. How far had I fallen? And what about the other day, What if I hadn't found the money, what would I have done?  screwed her? Definitely.

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