Chapter 24

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As I climbed the physically-violating-steep staircases, my conscious kept yelling at me to run, get out of the house and run as far away as possible, but the macho man inside me insisted that I go on and see what  happens. To take her in the most memorable way ever. I wanted to make a grand entrance and do an even grander exit.  I was the good guy, everybody else was bad and good guys never run, they die fighting. I reached outside her door and before shoving it open to actually give the entrance, I stepped back.

Okay. Enough with this bad-boy move, this is not my territory and everything was going too well, too smooth and too good to be true. The place was always oozing with men in black, how come non was in sight?  What if they were waiting on the other side? What if Zhela snitched on me and they were just waiting to bust my ass? I mean the way Zhela was so suddenly interested in my spying rendezvous was alarm.

Ever since our "little" trip down the stairs, she changed, She became unpredictable. I mean, one minute she was balling her eyes out and then the next minute, she was all "I-forgave - and forgot". I knew Zhela and forgiving and forgetting and Zhela, never existed in one place. Did she really sell me out?

I pulled out the gun and slowly shoved open the door to her bedroom. She wasn't  sleeping like the little nanny had said.  Definitely a setup .

My crazy limits just exploded and I wanted to paint the walls with her brain.I held that thought when I saw a silhouette move. She was there. "Sharon, we need to go, I have no time for your puerile hide and seek." I yelled while making subtle movements towards the room. She didn't plan on making it easy on my ass, I get it so I pushed the door open. She was not there either. I hated when things don't go my way, I felt my head boil until I knocked the vase over. Growling beastly, I started walking out, while planning Nancy's murder in my head. I swear I could feel smoke, hot smoke, coming out of my ears. Nancy knew Sharon was not there but she lead me on anyway? Wasting my precious time? Oh she was going to pay.

My spidey sense went haywire and I turned in a nick of time to see Nancy, Just the nanny I alwanted to brutalize, coming at me with a kitchen knife. That was pretty stupid. Coming to a gun fight with some steak knife, man I was going to gut her from the inside out.

She swang which I effortlessly dodged. Then Using her blunt knife I stubbed a whole in her stomach. Her eyes widened looking at the work of the knife before I shoved her away from me. She fell, holding the knife as if wanting to pull it out. What a valiant lady, she was in pain but still couldn't make a sound, just because she didn't want the kids to hear. I went to her ears and whispered, "I was aiming for your throat." I reached for the knife and dragged it all the way to her throat. "utter girl." I whispered to her dead, bloody body. I didn't even bother wiping evidence because it always came out some day,right? She probably must had  already called the police so I better get the hell out.

One way or the other, I was getting what I wanted. My mind went straight to the sleeping girl somewhere downstairs. I was going to take her and use her as leverage. Sharon would give her own life for her children, every one knew that.

I was running down the stairs when suddenly I felt a small pair of hands tightening around my torso. "Uncle Patrick!"I looked down and smiled at him. He genuinely happily smiled back." Did mommy send you? "He asked hopefully. I didn't know whether to be mean and crush him or to play the sweet uncle they had grown to love.

"Hey little buddy." I hollered,the smile on my face was surprisingly genuine. Well I truly tried to not look thrilled about seeing the little lad, but there was something about that kid that melted even the heart of a monster. Ever since I met him, I always wished he was ours. I loved him more than my own child. Even though sometimes I did get angry that Sharon loved him more than life himself, still I couldn't hate him for long.

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