Chapter 11

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Time passed in a blurr and before I knew it, it was on next Tuesday very early in the morning. Next Tuesday, that we had to take the kids to the park together just as we had promised.

Ever since schools went on recess we started taking them to the park and they got used to it so much that when we stopped two weeks ago, we couldn't hear the end of it. Jason threw a nasty hissy fit, tossing everything around and threatening to run away. So we promised to take them the following Tuesday  and when the following Tuesday came, I was truly feeling under the weather. I made Juliette accompany them. But I also promised that the next one, I would go, no matter what.

When I was making that promise, I thought things would be different. I thought I would have found it in my heart to forgive him already, or better yet, I thought I would be far away from him. The next Tuesday just flew right in, like it couldn't wait and unfortunately, I was still here. Still mad at him for crowding me.

I had woken up hoping that he would go to work or something, so after breakfast, I prepped the kids and myself.

We all wore our tracks and when I was getting water from the fridge, he barged into the room fully dressed into a matching outfit.He looked so hot, he knocked the air right out of my lungs. I stood on the spot assessing him all over again, I wanted to just brush a finger against his skin. Oh I wanted to do things to him... Things that I wasn't proud of given that he cheated and lied about it.

"Are you ready, Are you okay?" I hadn't realized I had actually zoned out until his voice clicked in my head. I remembered how to breath and looked up at him. With a crocked curved lips, He reached out and felt my skin and I shut my eyes, trying to savor the feeling.

"I-I don't know..." I answered in a very horse voice. I was blushing, I knew that.

"You are a little chilly?" I swatted his hand away because by the look on his face, he knew exactly what was going on with me. Simple, I checked him out, drooled a whole bucket and he caught me. I started blushing, producing heat that made me sweat a like a pig. The evaporation made my skin cool.

"I think I am coming down with som..." I

"Daddy!" Yelled both of my kids, cutting my outrageous lie short. Jason ran faster and jumped into Dean's arms and Sheila with her short legs, ran in next. I turned back and sat on the couch. " Mom, aren't we going to the park? You and dad promised to be there this time,together. "Jason pouted pulling his dad's beards. Ever since we made that promise, he had never stopped reminding us.

" Jason, mommy is not feeling very well today, I will take you on Thursday. Isn't it kids fest?" I asked hopefully and he smiled. I might have gotten away with that but I felt embarrassed and uncool. I kept lying to my children because I was afraid to face their dad. What kind of a mother was I?

" I guess daddy is not coming too! "He mumbled disappointed. I almost broke down but held it in. Dean set them down breathing erratically, I know they had put on a lot of weight. I could barely hoist any of them up.

He sat down and  Sheila suddenly appeared with his phone in her tiny hands. She walked to me chanting "Dada, nantiee." She kept waving her dad's phone. The phone being too big for her baby hands, it flew right out of her hands  and I was the only one who could save it, so I did. I placed it at the table and reached for my daughter who was still squirming anticipation of pain, evident.

"It is all right baby." I hugged her in. Dean's phone was about to lock but then I saw it. A photo of Sheila, Evans, Dean, Patrick and Zhela. They were in Dean's room back at the plantation... I think.

I shut  my eyes to calm my nerves . Then I grabbed the phone and it was true

That was Zhelas profile picture and I didn't even know what to think anymore. He swore to me time and again that stopped talking to her, what the heck was that?

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