Chapter 15

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I woke up feeling like I was run over by a medieval truck, over and over. I was so exhausted that I was surprised I could still breathe.

I mastered courage and pulled myself up but I did not have any energy so I remained laying on my back. My throat hurt from the choking and all the screaming I did, from when he started taking advantage of me, until when he stopped. And trust me it took quite awhile. He took his time enjoying himself, giving me a sample for comparison.

I could not believe Dean did that to me. He abused me on different accounts that day. What happened to him, Was it jealousy, was it rage that made him not believe me? I didn't understand.

What killed me was the fact that someone intentionally sent him videos of me and Ray to mess with him and he believed it. I did not want to give up on us but he suddenly built a strong wall of distrust around him. He did not believe a word from me. Dean was different, in the worst way possible.

I let my mind wonder off on my very not pleasing activity and shuddered. Then it hit me that he could be next to me. I stayed still afraid to look.

I pretended to be a statue until I was sure that Dean wasn't in the room. Then I got my naked body to the bathroom. My clothes were still on the floor, tattered beyond rescue. Inside, I stood in front of the mirror with my eyes shut. I was afraid to look, just incase I looked like how I was feeling. I felt horrible.

Mastering enough courage, I looked at the person in front of me and whimpered. I looked dead with blue and black bruises maring my neck,and one huge black patch on my left cheek.

Man, I looked awful. The light in me was burnt out. My eyes were empty. What happened to Sharon, the woman of steel?

I heard the house phone ring and splashed water on my face. I knew for sure it was Beryl asking me to go pick my kids up. I did not know why after not letting me go visit my sister, he dropped the kids at her place before coming to interrogate me.

I grabbed a towel, wrapped it around my body, then hurried before it became a missed call.

"Hello" I said balancing the receive between my ear and shoulder. I had walked to the fridge and grabbed an apple. I was starving and we had nothing cooked yet. I had no idea where everyone went, it seemed I was all alone.

"Hey, what happened? Ever since you stormed out on us, you ghosted everyone, where are you? And don't you lie to me again or I will hunt you down myself." Tess had barked into the phone.

I don't know why but hearing her just made me so emotional. It was clear she hadn't heard what happened or she would not be talking to me. Just like sheila. Just like Dean.

" Are you there? "she asked after I hadn't talked for long time " Never mind, I am coming over! "she said and hung up. She didn't even give me the opportunity to fake something up to avoid that meeting. She could not see me like that, no body was supposed to see me that broken.

I didn't know what to do. It was obvious she was on her way and she was going to ask questions. Was I to tell her that my husband did what he did to me? I mean she was my best friend. We pretty much shared everything with each other.

It did not feel right telling her that, I was ashamed of myself but mostly, I did not want her to hate him. I still wanted to protect him. His reputation. How could I still love that monster?

I was weak, I didn't care what happened but he was the love of my life. He just got angry. Maybe it didn't even happen. I thought that I was going to wake up from the bad Dream and be happy again.

I finished my apple and rushed up the stairs. I needed to fix myself before Tess noticed and force the truth out of me.

I quickly cleaned myself up and dressed in a black palazzo pants and black camisole. It was really hot, I mean it was in the middle of the day, so it would have been weird if I had put on a sweater. I went to the bathroom and started applying as much makeup to my face as possible but it didn't work. I looked like a monster. I was barely done baking myself when I heard the door bell, I stomped on my feet and went out of the bathroom.

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