Hey There, Delilah (12)

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I almost went into a panic attack trying to think of who this person could be. Was it my stalker? Or even worse, my old stalker? What if it was both? What would I do then? As I continued to think of crazy things, like the one person behind me was actually two people, I realized that the person was squeezing me so hard that I couldn't breathe. That just almost caused another panic attack, by the way.

"Can't... breathe!" I coughed loudly, pulling at the person's arms that were still around my neck.

After I had said this, they immediately let go and let out an apologetic chuckle. "Hah... sorry, Delilah," the person said, chuckling once again as I turned around to see who the person was. My eyes widened when I saw Matt Levin, my crush from middle school.

I had liked him sixth grade through eighth grade, but then he moved away before high school. We were friends, I guess, but not enough to really talk to each other after he left. He looked almost exactly the same, except you could tell that he was older. He was taller than he was when he had left; he was only a few inches taller than me back in middle school. Now he was at least a foot. But I didn't find myself blushing when I was with him, not like I used to when we were in middle school. After the whole big stalker thing started, I almost completely forgot about him, and the fact that I used to like him.

"Surprise," Arianna said, sounding smug. So this was the surprise? I guess it was a good one; I did miss Matt a lot. When we were all in middle school, she knew I liked him. If I didn't threaten to tell the principal where all her make-out spots were, Matt would have known that I had a crush on him. I just hoped that Arianna didn't tell him that I used to like him now. I wouldn't be surprised if she told him that I still liked him, even though I didn't. I then rolled my eyes slightly at Arianna's voice before fully turning to Matt.

"Matt!" I smiled, jumping up and hugging him. "What're you doing here? Didn't you move to Florida?"

After we broke apart, Matt grinned his giant grin at me. "Yeah, but I decided to visit. I heard you go to school in New York now, right?"

I nodded, grinning back at him just as largely. "Yeah, I do. It's really fun, except for the whole Delilah and New York thing..."

Mat grinned once again, obviously noticing. "Oh, that's really funny!" he said, laughing out loud.

"I never thought of that!" Rex laughed from behind me, slapping a hand on my back. "It's just like that one song!"

No duh, Rex. No. Duh.

"Oh, yeah..." I started, turning back toward Rex and River, who I had totally forgot were there. "This is River Daniels and Rex Haynesworth, my friends from school."

"But the hot one's gone..." I heard Arianna grumble before crossing her arms over her chest. I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my own chest.

Matt raised an eyebrow amusedly, asking, "Hot one...?"

"Just my friend, Seth Haven," I answered, shrugging slightly. I really didn't know if calling Seth my friend was really truthful, but what else could I say? I really didn't want to get the whole situation with Seth again. Why couldn't Arianna just get over the fact that Seth wasn't with us? Who cared if he was with us or not. Arianna, apparently, but she needed to get over it. Seth wasn't even that good looking, anyway.

Well, to me, anyway.

"The Seth Haven?" Matt asked, his eyes going wide with shock.

I gave him a confused look, having no idea what he meant. "The Seth Haven?" I mimicked, but I sounded confused instead of shock. I continued growing more and more confused with ever second that passed. How did Matt know Seth?

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