Hey There, Delilah (6)

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"We can really just leave school like this?" I asked, trailing behind Seth and River quickly as we made our way off campus and toward the parking lot.

Seth smirked slightly, but then shook his head. "Nope."

My face turned white, and I froze right where I was. Noticing that I was no longer moving with them, both River and Seth stopped as well. They both turned toward me, frowning. "Come on," Seth said, his eyebrows furrowing. "You're not really chickening out when we got this far."

"But we could get in trouble!"

"Delilah," Seth said, rolling his eyes, as if I was some kind of idiot. "We go to school for delinquents, as in people that have broken the law. We don't care if we get in trouble, so just keep on moving." He then grabbed my arm, yanking me farther and farther away from the school. His cold fingers enclosed around my wrist like a powerful handcuff.

"No!" I cried, shaking my head. "I don't want to get in trouble! Let go of me!"

Seth rolled his eyes before he looked back to glare at me, still yanking my arm as we continued walking. River was beside us, not saying a word as he put his hands into his pockets. That didn't really surprise me, though. "Let go of me!" I repeated, trying to stop, only to be dragged by Seth, my heels digging into the dirt as I tried not to move.

"Stop being so stubborn," Seth hissed at me, finally letting go of my arm. I immediately grabbed my wrist, rubbing it slowly. He sure was strong. "I would think you would be the most excited, you seem to be the worst out of all of us."

He must have noticed my confused look, because he rolled his eyes once again. He probably thought I was a huge idiot or something, considering how many times he had rolled his eyes. "Whatever you did to get into this school seems pretty bad," he explained. "Horrible, even. If you did anything normally bad, they would have just sent you to the girls' school."

"There's a girls' school?" I asked flatly, still rubbing my wrist. Why didn't my mother send me there?

If only Rex was with us; I didn't feel safe being alone with these two thugs.

Seth nodded slightly, shrugging. "It's not really a school for delinquents. Just girls with troubled pasts. What'd you do, anyway?" Seth asked, changing the subject and crossing his arms over his chest. "Did you shoot someone? Stab someone? Or what, did you show them your chest and they died?"

I glared, kicking him in the shin as hard as I could. He seemed as if I hadn't even touched him as he smirked back at me. "Well, you definitely didn't beat someone up... You're way too weak for that," he told me with an amused voice, and I would have kicked him again if it did any good. Maybe if I just kept kicking him in the same spot after a while he would get hurt. I could hope, couldn't I?

Before I could kick him again, he stopped me from doing so by speaking, "So, what did you do? What was so bad that little, innocent Delilah Shafer had to be put in a school with big, bad boys?" He bent over a little so his face would be in front of mine, and I felt my breath catch in my throat at our proximity.

I quickly stepped back, looking away from his as my cheeks burned red. "I can't tell you. Didn't Mr. Ridgeway already tell you that? I'm not allowed to tell anyone."

"Ooh, maybe she killed someone," Seth said mockingly, nudging River in the side. I finally remembered that River was still there, causing my cheeks to heat up a little for a reason I didn't know.

"And why are you two here?" I demanded, placing my hands on my hips. Seth's smirk immediately deteriorated into a frown, before he began scowling at me. "That isn't any of your business, now is it?" he asked, mocking what I had first said to him. My eyebrows furrowed, my eyes narrowing at him.

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