Hey There, Delilah (15)

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"You're late."

"Well, sorry," I said sarcastically, glaring at Seth. Today was the first day we were actually going to have to act like a couple, and I really wasn't looking forward to it at all. Seth had to go to the office while we were in Mrs. Martin's class, so we told each other we'd meet outside the cafeteria and go inside and pretend we were a couple.

"Smile," Seth demanded, grabbing my hand and dragging me into the cafeteria; I had a smile on my face the entire time, even though I would rather be scowling at that moment. I did not want to cold Seth's hand. Why was he making me do this? It was all stupid Colin's fault. No, it was Seth's fault! He just wanted to get Marnie jealous. The stupid idiot.

Once we got into the lunch line, I dropped my smile as quickly as I could. Just walking through the lunch room hand-in-hand made people stare at you like you were insane.

After we had gotten our lunch, we went and sat down next to River and Rex, who were the only people who knew that everything between Seth and me was fake. Besides the hatred, of course.

"Smile," Seth demanded once again, kicking me from under the table. I smiled brightly again, even though I wanted to punch him. Why was I doing this again?

"I hate you," I said, though it sounded muffled coming from behind my smiling clenched teeth.

"Hate you more," Seth muttered, stabbing his salad with his fork. My grip on my burrito tightened, causing it to explode and splatter all over me and River, who was sitting next to me.

"Ugh, great," I groaned, throwing the burrito carcass onto my tray. I turned toward River then, an apologetic look on my face. "I'm so sorry, River!"

"It's fine," he said, trying to wipe it off his pants, but to no avail. I felt so horrible for ruining his clothes just because I was frustrated. I felt guilty. 

"River, Delilah! Go back to your rooms and get changed!" we both heard Mrs. Dents shout shrilly, causing both of our heads to snap in her direction before wincing. Her voice was always so annoying when she shouted. River rolled his eyes, but Mrs. Dents didn't notice because of his hair. Both of us got up from our seats and we started heading out of the cafeteria. But right when we got to the cafeteria doors, I remembered I had forgotten my backpack at the lunch table.

"Oh!" I cried, stopping dead in my tracks. "I forgot my backpack!"

"Want me to come with you to get it?" River asked, but I shook my head and waved him away.

"No, I got it. I'll see you in a couple minutes."

He nodded, and we both headed in different directions.

"Did the Princess forget something?" Seth asked sarcastically, causing me to glare at him when I returned to the table.

"You know, if we weren't fake dating, I would kick you right now," I told him with a flat look. I probably wouldn't have kicked him, though; I didn't need the injury. These boys were way stronger than the ones that went to my old school. The boys at this school could take a kick and make it hurt me, the boys at my old school would just start whining and be upset that a girl was stronger than them.

Wimps. I really missed that.

He pretended to look scared. "Oh, I'm terrified!"

I rolled my eyes, slinging my backpack over my shoulder and walking out of the cafeteria once again. I made my way up the stairs slowly, not really feeling like climbing them as quickly as I should have been going. I was sure River was probably already done changing right now, but I didn't really care. I felt really lazy at that moment and I just really didn't want to move at all.

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