Hey There, Delilah (8)

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Mr. Ridgeway was grinning when I entered homeroom the next day, and it actually kind of scared me a little. I didn’t know what he could have been thinking of right then. He seemed like that type that would grin when something I didn’t like was about to happen.

Great, what was he going to do?

Once everyone was finally in their seats, Rex started poking my shoulder over and over again. I didn’t understand why he always had to be so annoying, but he always managed to be funny and amusing, no matter what he was doing when he was acting like an idiot.

I turned toward him and looked at him strangely for a moment before we both burst out laughing; even though I didn’t even know the reason why. Mr. Ridgeway looked back at us, a different type of grin on his face as one of his eyebrows rose. “Delilah, Rex, I’d like to start class,” he told us, even though he sounded amused. “Could you both please stop flirting?”

I closed my mouth immediately, biting the inside of my lip so hard that I tasted blood. I glared at Mr. Ridgeway for a moment before sucking the blood away, disgusted by the ironic taste that met my taste buds. I always had hated the taste of blood.

“Well, now that that distraction has been taken care of,” Mr. Ridgeway smirked, glancing at me in amusement for a moment before continuing, “I think it’s time to tell you guys about something that’s been under discussion for quite some time now…”

Was this what he was grinning about? It had to be. Oh, no. What could he be thinking? What was he going to say? Maybe he’s going to tell everyone the reason I was really at Bentwood! Or worse, I’d have to dorm with some guy! I was not giving up my dorm, no way!

“We’ll be having a dance,” Mr. Ridgeway said simply, shrugging as he did so. I just sat there for a few moments in surprise, not really knowing what to say, but then I almost burst out laughing. A dance? At a school filled with boys? Ah, that would be priceless. I could just see them all dancing with each other…


Obviously seeing our very, very confused faces, Mr. Ridgeway smirked again as he continued, “The dance will be held here, in the gym, but the students from Eden Academy for Girls will be attending… So sorry, you won’t be able to dance with each other.”

I could see Seth tense up from where he was sitting in the front row, confusing me a little. What was wrong with the Eden Academy? Maybe it was a school for delinquents, but female ones. That was possible, and it would have made sense, but I hadn’t thought very much of it.

If there was an all-girls school for delinquents, then why hadn’t I just got sent there? I thought someone just liked making my life difficult. I knew that there was a school for girls, but would they send a whole school full of girls to a school that was filled with boys who had broken the law, especially when it was for a dance. Whose dumb idea was that?

Before anyone could ask Mr. Ridgeway any questions, the bell signaling that homeroom was over rang loudly. I breathed out a heavy sigh, not looking forward to algebra. I could tell it was going to be a long day, and I already had things to be worried about.


“Alright, class!” Ms. Vierra called to the class, clapping her hands together to get our attention. I turned away from Rex and toward the front of the room, trying my best to ignore him. This was the last class of the day, and I couldn’t wait for it to be over.

Usually I liked drama and music class, but the day had been really tiring, and all I wanted to do was go to my dorm and take a nice, long nap and note be interrupted. But then River was going to have to come over to tutor me. And I really wasn’t looking forward to that at all.

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