Hey There, Delilah (16)

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Studying was so boring. I really wasn't in the mood to study anything at that moment, especially biology. It wouldn't be that bad if Mr. Bunch didn't make it so boring. Why couldn't I have a cool biology teacher? All the teachers here seemed to have something bad and something good about them, except Mr. Bunch. He was just all bad.

I kept trying to think of a way to tell River that I knew about Bekka. But how could I? I couldn't just blurt it out, as easy as that would be. I didn't want to hurt River; he obviously wanted to keep it a secret. But I had to tell him I knew. He knew my secret, why couldn't I know one of his? It was only fair, wasn't it? But River found my secret out by accident, and I asked Bekka on purpose. So I guess it wasn't really the same.

I was seriously about to throw my biology book across the room and into the wall. I really needed to study for the test that was on Monday, but it was so boring and I just couldn't concentrate because I kept thinking about Avery and what to do about River. How was I supposed to do something I didn't like if I'm thinking of two things that had been bothering me ever since I had back from my date?

And why did Rex call Avery a bastard? I know he doesn't like him, but calling him a bastard seemed pretty rough. What did Avery do to make them all hate him? I really wanted to know more than anything. But why wouldn't the boys tell me? I just didn't get it.

I couldn't think of one thing that Avery could have done that made them all hate him. He was so sweet and calm, unlike Seth. There was no way Avery was bad. He just couldn't be. Like I've said so many times before, he's not the one that goes to a school for boys that are supposed to be in juvie.

But I do instead.

I looked at the clock to see that it was twelve, but I wasn't a bit tired. I actually felt a little rambunctious, which was definitely a first for me. For some reason, I really felt like going swimming. I knew I wouldn't be allowed to go swimming after hours, but I didn't really care at that moment. I felt like doing something that could get me in trouble. I think I was still high on Avery's kiss.

I didn't even know what I was doing as I got up off my bed and walked over to my closet. I pulled out my purple two-piece bathing suit and quickly changed into it, making sure to bring a towel along with me so I wouldn't freeze to death after I got out of the pool. I really had no idea what I was doing as I changed from my pajamas and into my bathing suit, but I was acting on instinct.

I opened my door slightly, peaking out and looking around the dark hallway. I found myself smiling mischievously as I slipped out the door, closing it quietly behind me. Man, did I feel like a rebel or what?

It wouldn't hurt me if I took a little swim, would it? Yeah, it was random, but it wasn't like the pool was outside or in some bad neighborhood. I knew that there wasn't going to be anyone else there but me, and it was inside, and it was actually really warm. It was really awkward during gym, though, since I was the only girl. I kept getting gawked at all the time, and it didn't stop until I glared at the idiots who were staring at me. Seriously, did they have to act like pigs? I was a human being, not a sex doll.

Gross. Just gross.

I held my breath every time I made the tiniest sound. I really didn't want to get caught, I was afraid that I'd get in so much trouble that they would kick me out of the school and I'd have to go back to Washington and face my old stalker once again. But I'm sure the boys at this school have done way worse than just swim in a pool after school hours, right? I mean, come on, this was a delinquent school. And the only thing that proves that it's a delinquent school is when the boys tell me it is. I guess I was just overreacting; but I couldn't help but worry. I didn't like getting in trouble at all. But who does? And yet, I was doing this anyway.

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