Hey There, Delilah (14)

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The knocking on my door startled me, even though it wasn't as loud or hard as how Seth was knocking about an hour before. I let out a breath, looking at myself in the mirror one more time, making sure everything was as perfect as it could be. I had decided on going with a strapless purple dress that went to the middle of my thighs. I was also wearing black heals that went along with it perfectly.

Walking over to the door, I fingered the bottom of my dress nervously. What if I got laughed at? What if there was someone with the exact same kind of dress as me? What if someone didn't like my hair? As I was having my mini panic attack, I grabbed onto the handle and opened the door. I knew it was either going to be Rex, River, or Seth, but I wasn't sure who.

I opened the door to see River dressed in a black dress shirt and black pants that were similar to the type the boys wore to school. He stared at me for a moment, and I could tell his eyes were wide, even under all his hair.


"What?" I asked, touching my hair to make sure it was alright. "Is there something wrong? I don't look that bad, do I?" I started freaking out, scared that I would have to go back and redo everything. I looked at River with wide eyes, pleading for him to say something.

"No, no. Delilah, you look..."

Hideous, monstrous, any other word that described ugly would probably do. I had lipstick on my teeth, my eye shadow didn't match my dress, my blush made me look like I was trying to hide my actual skin tone...

"... amazing."

I felt my cheeks heat up at what he had said, not expecting that at all. Did River Daniels actually just say I looked amazing?

Realizing what he had said, I could tell that he had bit his tongue inside his mouth as he turned away, his cheeks actually turning red. River was blushing!

"Come on, Rex's already in the gym, and Seth's on his way any moment--" River started, but speak of the devil, and it shall come, I guess. Their dorm room opened and Seth stepped out, wearing a white dress shirt and black pants like River's. I had to admit that both of them looked really nice, but it wasn't like I was going to say that out loud anytime soon.

"You don't look happy," I commented to Seth, who glared at me in return. I smirked slightly, happy that I had gotten the reaction I wanted. I just hoped he remember that he said he was going to be nice to me for the night.

"Rex decorated the gym like it was the prom or something..." I heard River mutter from beside me, causing me to giggle. I could totally imagine Rex telling people how to decorate this and that in the gym, making it look as perfect as possible. He was such a girl when it came to stuff like that.

"I bet this is going to be really fun," I voiced when we got outside the gym doors.

River didn't say anything, and Seth simply scoffed before he said, "Yeah, it'll be fun until we go inside and see the Eden girls."

"Why are you so not looking forward to this?" I asked him, turning away from the doors and to him. "Why do you hate The Eden Academy so much?"

"You should just tell her already, Seth. I'm mean, she's going to figure it out sooner or later, and it'll answer a lot of her ques--" River started from behind me, until Seth cut him off with a glare.

"Shut up, River. I don't have to tell her anything."

My eyebrows furrowed as I looked up at Seth, who was glaring down at me. So many secrets I didn't know, and this one boy seemed to be in the middle of it all. What things could he possibly be hiding that he didn't want me to know? And why didn't he want me to know?

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