Hey There, Delilah (7)

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"Here," Seth said gruffly, taking his school jacket off and shoving it into my hands as we walked into the front doors of the school. "Wear this to cover up the stain."

"But won't you get in trouble for not wearing it?" I asked, looking at the navy jacket. I knew it would be too big for me, but I'd rather wear it then get in trouble for ditching school.

Seth gave me a flat look for a moment, then said, "Do you really think I care if I get in trouble? I go to school here, at a school for kids who broke the law and got in trouble everyday. Wear the stupid jacket, and hurry up."

My eyebrows furrowed slightly, but I pulled the jacket over myself anyway. It smelled just like Seth, which I couldn't help but notice was a really good smell. It hung over my body, obviously too big for me, but I didn't really mind.

I didn't pay attention in Mr. Ridgeway's class, I couldn't stop thinking about Avery. He was so nice, and I would think we would have talked for a while if Seth hadn't dragged me away. Why did he drag me away from him? Did Avery do something wrong that Seth didn't want me to get mixed up in? Nah, I highly doubted that. He didn't care if I got mixed up in some kind of gang thing. But Seth seemed like the kind of guy who would be in a gang, not Avery. He was actually in a school uniform when I met him.

The rest of the school day was boring and uneventful. Rex had come back from Headmaster Russo's office with a detention, while Paul got suspended. Where was he supposed to go if this was a juvie school? I would think they would just make him stay here longer.

Every boy that was in this school had done something wrong, and they all assumed I had done something as well. If they only knew that the only reason I was here was so I could get away from my stalker...

Walking back to my room alone, I started humming silently. No doubt it was from The Phantom of the Opera, but my little song was cut short when I came to a stop in front of my door.

My jaw dropped slightly when I saw a folded piece of paper hanging off my door. Normally, I would dread seeing this, because I knew where it was from, but I wasn't scared now. This couldn't be from my stalker, I was too far away and he didn't know where I was. I plucked the piece of paper off the door carelessly, unlocking it after. I stepped inside my room and dropped my backpack before shutting the door silently. I let out a deep breath, dropping down into the bottom bunk. I opened the note silently, reading it over. I was messily written, and I could tell it had been written by a guy.

        Hey There, Delilah,

        What Paul did was genius, but it did anger me a little. I wanted to do it in the privacy of your room. But don't worry, I'll have plenty of chances for that. You'll be hearing from me quite often. I'll be watching you, my love.



My jaw dropped as I held the note tightly in my hands, only staring at it as I read it over and over again. This wasn't the same guy, nothing was the same. He signed it this time, but who was S.A.? Was there anybody with the initials S.A. at the school? My stomach dropped as I tried to remember Seth's last name, but then I remembered that I had never heard it.

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