Hey There, Delilah (5)

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"Hey there, Delilah, what's it like in New York City? I'm a thousand miles away, but--"

"If you say I'm pretty, I'm hanging up right now," I warned, cutting Julie off.

She started laughing as she said, "You don't want to be called pretty? Fine, then! You're ugly!"

I stared flatly at the ceiling. "You know I hate that song."

"But it's so perfect for you!" Julie informed me. "Your name is Delilah, you're in New York City, and you're a thousand miles away from me! It's so perfect, it's like it was made for you!"

I rolled my eyes, rolling a piece of caramel popcorn in my hand. "Whatever. Do you want to hear about all the stuff I have in my room?" I asked her, trying to change the subject from that stupid song back to something that was really important-items in my room.

After explaining what was in my room, the other line went silent. "Julie?" I asked. "Are you still there?"

"You have all of that in your room?" Julie exclaimed from the other line. "That's amazing! I don't even think I have all of that in my house!" I chuckled slightly at her excitement, happy that I was able to talk to her. I knew it would be really lonely if I didn't have a girl to talk to.

"Okay, enough about your room," Julie said. "Tell me about the boys! Are any of them cute?"

"Nope," I replied quickly, flipping through the channels on the TV. I found myself absentmindedly playing with my hair once I found a channel that was worth watching.

"Seriously?" Julie exclaimed once again, sounding shocked. "Not one boy caught your eye? Not one?"

"Nope, not one," I answered truthfully.

"Well, what did happen? You have to have friends, right?"

"Yeah, I have friends," I shrugged, stretching out on my bed even more. My bed at home wasn't as big as this, and I was going to enjoy it.

"Really? Who?" Julie asked excitedly again, just causing me to roll my eyes. Was it really that important? They were just boys.

"I really only made one friend," I told her truthfully. "His name is Rex. His best friends, Seth and River, don't really like me..." I sighed slightly, trying to think of what I had done to make them hate me so much. Nothing came to mind, and I wasn't really that surprised. I hadn't even been there for a day yet, but they already hated me! Maybe they were just sexist and that's why they hated me. Yeah, that could have been it. They go to an all-boys school, and now suddenly a girl shows up? Yeah, maybe they're just sexist.

"What about the guy that was at the airport? He seemed pretty nice. Except he kept on flirting with Arianna..."

"Gabe? I don't know, he's only in my English class... We didn't really talk much at all," I explained, switching the phone to my other ear.

"Well, that sucks!" Julie cried. "No cute boys, and only one friend? Not to mention two people already hate you!"

"Thanks for making me feel better, Julie," I told her flatly, popping a piece of caramel popcorn in my mouth.

I could tell she was smiling sheepishly, even over the phone. "Sorry, Delilah..."

"Whatever," I replied, eating another piece of popcorn. I started absentmindedly humming to myself, and I heard Julie snickering on the other line once I finally zoned back in. "What?" I snapped, sounding harsher than I wanted to.

Julie continued snickering but answered, "You're humming songs from The Phantom of the Opera again!"

My cheeks flushed a little, and I stopped myself from stuttering as I said, "I was not!"

Hey There, DelilahOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora