Hey There, Delilah (9)

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"When's the stupid dance with Eden supposed to be?" Seth asked angrily, plopping down next to me at lunch. I blinked, not expecting that question to come out of his mouth. I blanked for a moment as I tried to think, still a little surprised. Even though Seth was an angry person most of the time, I couldn't think of a reason he'd be upset about a dance. I mean, come on, it's a dance!

"Uh... after Christmas break," I ended up telling him, finally able to think again. I wasn't sure of the exact date, but I knew it was sometime after break. Man, I couldn't wait for break. I'd finally be able to go home and see my friends and family again.

Seth grunted, turning toward his lunch and not saying another word. I rolled my eyes slightly, trying to ignore his rudeness. I was starting to get used to it, even though I shouldn't have been.

"Anyway," Rex said, cutting Seth a glance before turning back toward me. "What're you doing during break, Deli Sandwich?"

I almost rolled my eyes at the new nickname that Rex always called me. I just didn't get it. How did he get food from my name? Yeah, Deli was in Delilah, but Deli Sandwich? Where did that come from?

I shrugged instead, taking a bite out of my (ironic) deli sandwich. "Going back home," I told him simply after swallowing. "Not anything special."

It really wasn't anything special at all, and I was dreading every second of it.

"You miss your family though, don't you?" Rex asked, sipping his water. I nodded my head, but didn't say what I really didn't miss. That was the only reason why I didn't want to go back home. I totally missed my family, but I definitely didn't miss something else about Washington. There was no way I missed the reason why I was even in Bentwood in the first place.

Today was the last day until Christmas break, and I had a plane to catch early the next morning. I really wasn't looking forward to that at all. I definitely wasn't a morning person, and I really liked to sleep in. So getting up early wasn't a good thing for me.

And going back to Washington where my stalker was? Not a good idea. But I guess it wasn't really any better here, since I had another stalker to worry about.

Luckily I hadn't gotten another note from the new stalker, but I had only gotten the first one a few days before. I would normally get a note every week or so when I was in Washington, but I didn't know anything about the new stalker. I wasn't as afraid as I was of my old one, but that could change after reading one note.

"Bonjour," I heard as River sat down next to me. I gave him a flat look, but he simply smirked back at me.

"No teaching at the table please," I requested, taking a bite of my sandwich. River shook his head and chuckled, rolling his eyes as well.

"What're you doing over break, River?" Rex asked him, throwing is straw wrapper his had rolled up into a ball at his face. River caught it effortlessly, tossing it back at him. I stared at him, my mouth gaped open for a moment, even though it wasn't very amazing.

"Nothing," he said simply, shrugging.

"Same with all of us!" Rex announced, pumping his fist in the air. "Well, Deli Sandwich has something to do, but... the rest of us are pretty much losers."

I rolled my eyes, sipping my water. "Idiot," I mumbled, causing River to smirk. Seth was still staying quiet next to me, almost sulking. What had gotten him into an even worse mood? I didn't think I wanted to know.

"Hey, I have an idea!" Rex cried out, almost slamming his palm against the table and making it, and everything on it, shake. "Why don't we just go with Delilah to her house?"

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