Hey There, Delilah (3)

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"I don't get why someone has to come and pick you up," Arianna told me, her nose in the air.

I rolled my eyes, shrugging. "I don't know. Headmaster Russo thought that it would be a better idea. I don't even care, really."

"But what's the point of someone flying out here to come and get you, while you could just fly over and they can pick you up there? It just saves money," Arianna whined, and her voice was starting to annoy me. I tried my best to zone out so I couldn't hear her voice any longer. I sighed internally, happy that the annoying sound was gone.

Seeing that I wasn't listening, Arianna turned to talk to Violet and Ericka. Julie stayed silent in the airport seat next to me, looking bored. Before I could say anything to her, Arianna started tugging on my sleeve. "Look, look! Delilah, look!" she told me, pointing. I looked over to see a boy that looked to be around our age coming our way, an older man that looked just like him in a suit being right behind him. They both had dark hair, but I couldn't tell their eye color. The boy's eyes were covered by sunglasses, and the man was too far away.

"Delilah Shafer?" the older man asked, looking between all of us. I raised my hand a little, awkwardly. I hated awkward moments.

"Uh... that's me," I said, dropping my hand after a second.

The boy smirked at me for a moment before I stood up, shaking the older man's hand. "Delilah, it's nice to meet you. I'm Timothy Russo, headmaster of Bentwood Institute. And this is my son, Gabe," he introduced, signaling with his other hand to his son. Gabe lifted his chin and nodded at me, but I didn't say anything.

"Gabe, be polite," his father told him, and I could tell Gabe rolled his eyes, even from behind his sunglasses. He took the glasses off and shoved them into his pocket, sticking his hand out in front of him after.

"Hey," he said simply, and I started to place my hand in his slowly. "Come on, I won't bite," Gabe smirked, grabbing my hand before I could fully put it in his and shaking it. I shook back, hopeful that the blush on my face wasn't noticeable.

"And who are these lovely ladies?" Headmaster Russo asked, turning toward the three girls.

"Uh, my friends," I said quietly, even though three of them really weren't my friends at all.

Headmaster Russo nodded at them and smiled slightly before saying, "How about I help you with your luggage? Is your family around?" "No," I answered, shaking my head. "I said goodbye to them earlier, so... yeah. They're not here."

Headmaster Russo nodded, grabbing some of my suitcases while I grabbed the others. We started away, and I could hear Arianna start to flirt with Gabe, saying that she liked his hair or something that wasn't really important.

It didn't bother me or anything, but it was just annoying, considering that she would probably never see him again after this. I just hoped that she wasn't going to go find a way to make out with him an a closet or something before we left. Because that was totally something Arianna would do, and had done. Many times.

"I'll come with you," Julie volunteered, grabbing one of my bags and following behind us.

I didn't care that Gabe was back there with Arianna and her zombies, but I couldn't help but feel annoyed. Arianna just had that effect on me.

After my luggage had been taken care of, we started walking back toward Arianna and Gabe. Violet and Ericka simply sat on the chairs and watched as their master continued flirting with the boy she hadn't even known for more than a few minutes.

Just as we got up to them, Arianna had handed him something. I had only gotten a glimpse of it, and it looked like paper. I rolled my eyes, letting out a silent sigh. It was probably just her number or something that wasn't even important.

Hey There, Delilahحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن