Hey There, Delilah (24)

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I hated waiting.

And that's exactly what I was doing. I was standing under the bridge at the park, where bikers and other people passed over me every few seconds. Only a few people actually walked passed me, being under the bridge as well. I didn't know why, but not many people crossed under the bridge. It wasn't like there was water or anything. It was like a normal pathway with an arch over it. No big deal. I wonder if people were scared that there was a troll under the bridge or something. But right now, I guess that troll was me.

I didn't know why Avery was late, but I wasn't about to call and text him asking him where he was. I didn't want to be the clingy, needy girlfriend that needed to know where he was every second of every day. Even though he was driving me crazy right then by being late.

I felt my fingers tap against my leg impatiently. Well, he could have called, couldn't he? He could at least call and say he was going to be late! Being the genius that I am, I decided to wear short shorts and a tank top on this very chilly day. It was getting even colder out, and it barely even noon!

I wrapped my arms around myself, tapping my foot quietly against the concrete. I should have brought a jacket, at least. I was just so smart when it came to things like this.


Even though I didn't want to admit it to myself, I was actually thinking about breaking up with Avery. I still liked him, I still liked him a lot, but he didn't know anything about me. If he knew the truth, he wouldn't want to be around me anymore and it would definitely be over between us. I had been able to get away with it for a few months, but how long could I pull the whole charade off? Should I just say that I didn't like him anymore? But that was a lie. Even though I did like River, I still liked Avery. But River knew pretty much everything about me, besides the fact that I liked him. But Avery didn't even know when my birthday was. Could a serious relationship actually build off of that? I didn't think so.

"Bored?" a voice asked, causing me to jump about three feet into the air. I turned to my right to see Seth smirking at me, and I immediately frowned.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. "Get out of here before Avery gets here and sees you!"

"I don't care if he sees me," Seth shrugged, coming closer to me. He hadn't really been talking to me very much after what he had said about River in my room. He wouldn't really look at me either. I didn't think that much of it, because I thought he was just being normal Seth. We barely ever pretended to be a couple anymore, so I was sure that some people thought we had broken up. But we were still together every day, so I'm sure that people still thought we were boyfriend and girlfriend.

He stepped closer to me, causing me to step back and go up against the wall that held the bridge up. I couldn't help but be reminded of Tanner, and I cringed only a tiny bit. But I didn't want Seth to think that I was disgusted by him. Even though I didn't know what he was doing and I didn't really like how close he was to me, I didn't want to hurt his feelings and make him think that I didn't like being near him.

But he said that people said that he didn't even have feelings. There was no way that was possible. Even though Seth could be a jerk sometimes, I knew that he had to have feelings. I mean, he had his moments. He could be really sweet if he wanted to.

"Delilah..." Seth whispered, coming even closer and pinning me the same way he did in my room when he was angry about me going out with Avery. His arms were on either side of my head, and he was giving me such an intense gaze that I thought I was going to melt. "Please break up with Avery."

My eyes widening, I only stared back up at him. Where did this come from? I knew he didn't like that I was going out with Avery, but this was so sudden and unexpected.

Hey There, DelilahTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon