Love is a wild thing

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Jimin looks in front of him and counts something loud enough for Jin to hear who ignores it and keeps on leisurely lying on the couch watching a drama, he looks up from the t.v to his brother when he just calls his name.

“Jin hyung you should come here and have a look” Jimin says, gaze fixed at something in front of him. Jin who didn’t want to be disturb or move avoids him, he doesn’t care, there are other important things to watch at the moment “This scene is critical, don’t disturb me” he says watching the drama again.

“This scene is critical too, and that stupid drama, you have already watched it ten times, come here right now” He was scolding his hyung with gritted teeth, but his voice was still low to be heard only by his hyung. Jin takes a dramatic sigh standing up and walking towards his brother and glancing the way his brother’s eyes were fixed at, immediately his eyes widens.

“It started again” He says eyes fixed at the room where Taehyung was standing in front of iron stand and ironing his clothes, to be more precise their clothes, he was ironing them, making pairs and putting them on hangers, he had successfully made nine pairs including not so important night suit too in them, there was still a huge pile of clothes left to be ironed, his face held no emotions and he was just working sometimes looking blankly at the wall or muttering to himself or banging his head lightly on the wall to calm himself.

“Yeah, from quite some time, the speed is good” Jimin comments watching his brother calmly, as if it is nothing strange.

“This task is rather good, it is better than scaring the seeds and planting them angrily on the ground, or cleaning the house and not letting us lay our foot on the ground, or cooking several dishes some of which are burnt too , or talking laps in the park until almost faint, or-“

Jimin who couldn’t bear listening to Jin’s list any longer interrupts him “Okay I got it, you don’t need to describe in detail I was there too”

“Oh!” Jin exclaims “I can’t see my brown pants and purple shirt in the pile, they needed to be ironed too….let me bring them” Jin was about to leave when Jimin holds him with his collar not letting him leave and smiles politely as Jin stares at him.

“I am your elder brother” Jin almost shouts trying to break free.

“Thanks for reminding” Jimin says smiling, which looked quite fake and Jin knows it “What do you think happened this time? He never does these types of things unless something bothers him, what can it be?” he asks, he looks at still bend Jin who looked funny at the moment.

Jin who notices Jimin staring him huffs “How would I know, he is being different from quite few days, god knows what is going on in his mind” Jin tries to pull his collar back that was held tightly by Jimin.

“Then go and ask him” Jimin grins, breaking his hold “You are the eldest” Jin glares at him pulling his robe and tying it properly, he then looks back at Taehyung who was still ironing and takes a deep breath.

“It is such a tiring thing to be the eldest” he strodes off towards Taehyung.

Jin knocks on the door to get Taehyung’s attention but receives none, he turns to look at Jimin who was holding his laughter and gestures him to go ahead, Jin rolls his eyes and looks back at Taehyung clearing his throat to let other know his presence but again is ignored completely, feeling defeated he calls Taehyung name a little loud making him flinch. Taehyung turns to look at him.

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