How I Love You

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“It was too late now one left because he wanted to start new in life and other feeling conflicted between his emotions and his true feelings for the earlier, the two men with broken heart both trying to find their path and also find their true self, both gone through immense pain, both were loved but never realized, they were meant to be. But love is not always about happy endings and it is also not easy to find one, we have to make efforts. 

Aren’t everybody like these two, we are busy in our daily routine that we forget what we actually are, our true identity is, we want to live in a fake world with a fake identity, we run away from ourselves for most part of our life, most of us live life in denial. We forget how we should live, how somebody waits for us, or how nobody is there for us because deep inside we are all


Hoseok claps as the story ends looking with proud at Jin, “It is already morning and Jimin dozed off many times, but seriously time passed by so quickly, you wrote well, I relived the time, wish we could go back and do changes”

“I didn’t doze off as you say I just wanted to hear less of that heart breaking parts” Jimin glares at Hoseok which Hoseok just waves away smiling.

“But we three often discuss and it is like a mystery to us how you two got along with Jungkook with the way you left I thought we had this wall build between him and you two” Yoongi asks curiously.

“Hyung really gave him a hard time but if Jungkook can make Taehyung fall in love with him then what is hyung here” Jimin smiles, Jin neither disagreeing nor telling him to shut up just sighs.

“He can be persistent when he wants to be” Jin says and everyone there agrees.

Jungkook stands up in front of Taehyung’s house door waiting for his brothers to open it, patiently, he has been doing this for past two three weeks after Taehyung left the house. Freed went to Taehyung’s house next day after he left, to apologise, talk and get some information, if any, of Taehyung, but Jin remained hostile towards Jungkook and didn’t talk much to him but before they left he handed Jungkook the journal of Taehyung. Jungkook was hesitant, he felt like breaching Taehyung’s privacy, he was curious too and after Jin telling him it is okay he takes it. He reads it and going through each and every moment Taehyung shared in it, the perspective of Taehyung on their simple interactions and his emotions it was so beautiful, Taehyung treated him so well, so delicately, he was what Jungkook expected his parents to treat him like, with love and care and Jungkook cried his heart out  hugging the Journal, maybe by this he felt like hugging Taehyung, feeling him closer. 

Jungkook felt blessed to be loved like this so he tried to apologise again to Jin and Jimin when he returned the journal but they just told him to leave taking the diary from him. Jungkook felt bad not because of the treatment but being oblivious to many things, he was so into his own pain that he never looked around what was going in his friends and Taehyung’s life.

 Jungkook wrote the pain of not understanding the love when it is there, it became the major hit charting for months, he got busy again with work, he watched Jay too being there he knew what that person has done, but he remained quiet, this was not his time yet.

After having got his schedule free, he asked Sia to meet, they met several times before for short meetings but things didn’t went smooth, how can it be when Jungkook was not being honest to himself, denying his own love for someone else and thinking he can move on that easily, now that Taehyung is gone that refutal is getting more difficult to control.  They meet up at Sia’s place, she prepared the dinner for them all happy and talking about her future plans, but Jungkook was here with clear motives he soon asks Sia the question of why she fell in love with him, the answer to which he was eager to know for some time, he trusts Taehyung more than anyone, he always did, he now knows Taehyung concerns too, his doubts on Sia so he wanted to confront her now more than ever, he can’t just keep on tagging along, Sia too can feel how close yet far he has become from her, he had accepted her love but never said he loves her back, she blames Taehyung for this but she is too greedy for love to let him go and gives a wry smile hearing it. 

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