Say it

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Taehyung was having a break and decided to have lunch outside and get some fresh air, he waits for the food and looks around at different people busy in their meals and conversations, it was rush hour and the waiters looked busy and tired. Taehyung took his time to observe them, the waiter serves him food and he just starts to dig in when he hears the voice of the lady behind him, since there seats were close he could clearly hear her but doesn’t look back, she was sitting with her friend or someone close to her who was listening to her very sincerely. Taehyung leans back.

“I couldn’t believe it when I first heard about it but look at her now she is in hospital, I feel pity for her” the lady says, her voice soft and clear.

“How did you come to know?” the other lady asks.

“Oh I have my sources but it was sad to what she went through, though I am not shocked” 

“Is it worth writing, tell me in detail” the other one asks again impatient, seems like she was reporter.

“The agency she works with has quite a grey shade to it, they look for beauty not talent and know how to taint it, it started with slight skinship, then the dresses started becoming short, they almost starved her to look slim and according to their standard, it was still bearable for her but things became harder when they forced her to meet people make relations if she wanted to debut and those people don’t look for talent they want a woman to warm their bed”

Taehyung closes his eyes in disgust “I was well aware of these things and what if one denies them” the other lady asks.

“Then you are finished here, this is a price to pay”

“Is there any surety that things will go right after that”

“None, and this is not the first time I am hearing this, there are many more incidents sometimes big artist comes to light during these affairs, this industry is darker than it seems, the worst part is this agency has quite a name many famous artist will be dragged with it”

“This is the price they have to pay…So what did she do?”

“That poor girl tried to take her life”

“Can’t she leave the agency”

“No she has signed a contract that won’t allow it, as asked I brought some evidences too”

Taehyung listens quietly feeling disgusted at the situation, it was hard for him to eat, he quickly pays for food and walk out from there. 

Lovelorn //Vkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now