Lost stars

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Taehyung had a daily routine of writing journal before going to sleep, he was in his night suit, colorful pajamas and matching shirt and was writing in his journal. Feeling tired he thought of making it short when he hears his phone ring, looking at the caller ID he was shocked to see it none other than Jungkook on the phone, he looks at the clock it was past midnight, feeling tense he nervously picks up the phone and hears the sound of breeze clearly from other side.

“Jungkook what happened? Are you not at home? Is everything alright?” Taehyung asks in one breath but the other side still remains silent, Taehyung waits for few seconds and then calls Jungkook’s name again, this time Jungkook answers.

“Doc” he says, making Taehyung a little relieved that he is answering “Why do we need to live?” Jungkook asks, his voice shaking a bit. Taehyung feels his scalp go numb, he quickly gets up, there was no time to change something was serious he had experience in it, he takes out a long robe and wears it while answering, tiredness and sleepiness long forgotten.

“There is not just one answer to this question Jungkook, can you tell me where you are?” he says, looking for keys not bothered to tie the robe. 

“I was wandering today and realized life is too difficult, we face so many problems, why do we need to face it, why is not it upon us to stop it when we want to, I….I just don’t like living anymore but I wanted to thank you for whatever you have done, you are really strong” Jungkook keeps on speaking not answering Taehyung’s question. Taehyung quietly walks out of the house trying not to make any noise to wake up his brothers, it was already late. He locks the door behind and goes quickly for his car.

“I will answer each of your questions but you need to tell me first where you are? Please look around for me at your surrounding and tell me” Taehyung starts the car engine.

“I don’t want you to stop me this time, I will hang up if you keep on asking me” Jungkook threatens, he was speaking a little slowly and Taehyung had to try hard to listen to him.

Taehyung contemplates for a few seconds on what to say and then cautiously tries to change the topic “Jungkook if you want to really thank me then just for this once can you play a game with me” Taehyung hears a chuckle from other side, he could feel the pain in that too and clutches on his phone hard.

“You…what are you up to this time?” Jungkook asks.

“Just a regular game of guessing, me and my brothers used to play when young”

“It’s good to have siblings, a family..me here” he laughs “I am so alone” Jungkook tries to control his emotions and the sob that leaves his mouth. Taehyung can understand his condition, so he quickly answers.

“Who said you are alone, right now you are talking to me, so this thing is crossed out, if you want you are welcome to talk to my family too, they are really good” Taehyung holds his breath “Do you have a place to sit, I want you to relax, can you do that?” he asks, the gushing like sound of breeze stops.

“I am sitting” Jungkook says making Taehyung feel a little relaxed. At least he is listening to small requests.

“The place I am right now has a distinct aroma, a place to sit but is confined in its movement, you have to adjust in the place provided, a total of five can fit in, it has some tools too and the best part it helps you to move to places, can you guess what it is?” Taehyung says each word slowly, like describing things to a child, he makes it easy to guess.

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