For You

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Present Day

"That punch was hard, we saw it bruise for several days" Jimin says as he opens a soda can and passes it to Jin, who nods agreeing to him, they were now lying comfortably, Jimin and Hoseok on the carpet flooring while others' on the sofa.

"It was Jk's punch" Freed snickers, controlling themselves when Jimin glares at them.

"Jokes apart, I feel that was the beginning of their friendship, Jungkook needed the trust that Taehyung showed in him and I know he was melting though he wasn't showing it at that time." Yoongi says.

"Yeah a nice way to give it a start isn't it" Jimin comments with a snort.

"We are not the judge here and they had never anything right in the first place, everything related to them was different from others" Namjoon says as he tries to calm Jimin surrendering to his comments and not wanting an argument right now in between the reading of the book.

"That hurts to recall" Yoongi says it again "He didn't say it but he was hurt, came to my house, drunk, hurt written on his face saying how he should not be forgiven and he needed to do it, we never really talked about it openly at that time but we should have thanks to Taehyung for opening our eyes" 

"Taehyung was hurt too but more determined than before, let's look towards the positive side" Jin says, patting on Yoongi's shoulder.

"Are we agreeing to him punching" Jimin asks, turning to look at the three sitting on the sofa.

"No, we are looking towards the brighter side of it" Jin says, shutting him up.

"Back to story, can we?" Hoseok claps "Can we please" he says more slowly and calmly, smiling and looking at Jimin who nods.

________________………..(back to Lovelorn)

Freed recorded their song throughout the day Jungkook not finding it good to say okay making all of them lose their strength and patience, in the end they call it a day. After sitting in their room and resting for a while, they were called upon a meeting to talk about the article in a famous magazine on the lead member taking all the limelight from the other talented members, ofcourse it was not the truth and nothing new for them them to hear too, but it happens that today Jungkook had an interview and he was very furious with the allegations and language and wanted to press charges on that magazine, but the manager wanted to solve it on their end, they wanted to ignore it and people will too, all they want was Jungkook to be calm during the interview and not to say anything that may create another fire as has happened in many of previous cases. 

The meeting ends and they retire back to their room trying to think of something else and talking randomly, but Yoongi brings back the topic of Jungkook and Taehyung making the others' two eyes go wide. They felt it unbelievable on both their parts these two can go to heights one actually reaching that girl which they expected he was just enquiring like others did and told him even how to approach her, and second reacted so harshly on that matter when it could be solved by a talk. 

So, tired with work and Jungkook's mood swings Namjoon scolds him.

"So you punched him, that's what you thought will be best for you? Are you in your right mind to know what's even best for you? That man is making all these efforts for you and this is how you thank him"

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