Just Walk Away

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After having a sleepless night Taehyung realized that he has fallen too deep and not seeing Jungkook or hearing his voice will make him loose his sane self. Taehyung was scared of himself, is that how it felt, it is scary to like someone to that extent, he turns to his left, clutching his pillow tight, what a fool he is. Jungkook’s smile makes him smile, the way he interacts with audiences during the show, his light teasing and comments fills Taehyung’s heart with joy, his happy face blooms Taehyung’s own. 

Taehyung hides his face in the pillow not able to desist himself from thinking of Jungkook. This man was born to be an artist, his presence on stage has a magnetic effect, his galaxy eyes holds so much strength that it can make people turn back to look at him and notice him. Taehyung turns to his right looking at the small clock on table showing half past three and he still has no sleep in his eyes, he sighs punching the pillow lightly, closing his eyes tightly and praying for the sleep to come but what he thinks of again is Jungkook making him lose his hope of sleeping again, but Taehyung won’t complain he feels lucky to spend such a good time with Jungkook, to get to know this man, to become his friend…this is not enough though, he craves for more.

Taehyung has decided in one of these past nights to not make much contact with Jungkook from now on, for his own good but his heart has its own plans too, so in spite of stopping himself he ends up watching Jungkook from far when the artist is busy in press conferences, interviews, shows or gigs and just sits silently and patiently for Jungkook when he is busy in meeting for hours, just to have a glimpse of Jungkook before he leaves for home. He talks less now with Jungkook, only when necessary or when other members are around making minimum eye contact, that way it’s easy to not let his emotions take control. He cries too when he couldn’t bear this distance, blaming his heart for being so weak. He looks at the calendar daily marking days he has been doing this, it has just been a week but feels like eternity when he and Jungkook went out, teased each other, fought, made fun of each other or just talked, just them being them, that no one else has discovered, he misses it. It could be seen from his loss of appetite and sleep, why have things become so hard, it is nothing new for Taehyung and he just hopes time will heal him, but does he really wants to be healed? No, he doesn’t. He hides himself behind the wall when he sees Jungkook passing by laughing, chattering with other people and unknown to his presence, he watches him leave, it is enough to make memories. His brothers questions him of what he is doing which he has no answers of because he himself doesn’t know anymore, is it right to be like this or wrong, he is failing this fight with his heart.

What Taehyung fails to notice it that Jungkook is watching him too, he is not a child and knows when the other person is avoiding him and it is painful for Jungkook too just to know that this person is none other than Taehyung. Jungkook wants to question him but Taehyung does not give him any time or privacy to do so. He sits on his chair and thinks of why it is so important for him to be noticed by Taehyung and why does it bothers him, he waits patiently for his therapist, he believes that Taehyung is troubled and may be needs some time alone so he gives it but it has already been a week without any progress of interaction, feeling worried Jungkook pushes Namjoon to Taehyung’s office, telling him to ask for what is wrong with his behavior, he knows if he goes in there, Taehyung would make some excuses, so he stands outside leaning on the wall and hearing the conversation going inside between Namjoon and Taehyung, feeling a bit jealous how easily the two are interacting but when it comes to him, Taehyung is not even sparing him a glance.

“Has Jungkook done something wrong? Is he again in a fight with you, because something seems not right as if you are avoiding him” Namjoon says as the two talk. Taehyung smiles hearing it, he looks down at his hand, taking his time to answer and Jungkook holds his breath to not miss the answer Taehyung is about to give.

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