Something's in the way

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"Medical records shows clean, no trauma or injury in past, family history of depression- none, that's what they told me, but something must be missing here, father was businessman, mother homemaker, hmmm...she died early and cremated in old fashion, death was due to declining health." Taehyung goes through medical records and files on family history, positioning his spects properly to read the record again for any information that is missed. His files were spread on the desk that was already occupied by several books and a tray with a teapot and cups and various other papers that were left to be graded. He looks up at Son who too was going through those files that were lying on his desk.

Taehyung thought it would be good to discuss preliminary findings with Son to get a clear head of giving a good start.

"How old must he be at the time of her death?" Son asks, taking out his glasses and putting them on the table while he wipes his eyes.

"Teenager may be" Taehyung also scribbles important details in his diary.

"That in itself can be a trauma for a child, losing their loved one"

"I was considering that too." Taehyung says.

"So when are you going to start with the therapy sessions?" Son asks. Taehyung puts his pen down to look up at him again.

"I won't...he will not be comfortable with it I know...I will do it my way"

"You know that's are trying to do that again" Son warns.

"I know but he has not given me his consent yet and this is something not settling in my mind, I want him to come up to me and ask for help, his willingness can only help him, so I want to get his trust first" Taehyung closes all the files and folders keeping them in his bag neatly.

"Kid, you know that will make you personally involved in it"

"I am not going to repeat past mistakes... it's just that I know how it feels to be questioned about your past when you don't want to go through it, he has to realise that it will help him to heal" Taehyung glances at the piles of books for a minute remembering those eyes again.

"Do you think he wants to get healed?" He adds.

Son's expression softens hearing that "He will when he realise, he is in bad situation, this thing eats a man slowly, make them addicted to the hollowness too, he must have not realised how his actions are causing pain to his loved ones"

"I have to look into that too, his loved ones " Taehyung stops in mid when his phone rings, he picks it up, frowning to find an unknown caller.

"Mr. Kim?" A female voice speaks on the line.

"Yes, who is it?"

"Mr. Kim, I am Jess calling from Bright entertainment, please wait for a moment let me divert the call to the manager sir, who requested to speak to you" Taehyung nods subconsciously, sensing something is wrong, he quickly fetches his planner, seeing nothing written there of any kind of schedule of the band.

"Mr. Kim, it's Jay here, this is really urgent and would need your assistance, Freed has a performance on a t.v show that they were very much aware of and preparing but Jungkook is not here, he is not answering his phone, not informed anyone of where he might be…" Taehyung cuts him off.

"When were you thinking of informing me?" Taehyung grits his teeth, he was very clear to be told beforehand of their schedules. He stands up from his seat packing his things quickly while Jay gives him reason that Taehyung pays no attention to. Son looks at him in concern, he half smiles looking at the elder bidding him goodbye and leaving.

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