Cold Little Heart

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Days passed by in a blink, the moment Taehyung had with Jungkook in the park was now a month old memory. Freed got very busy with the work- concerts, T.V shows, filming, photo shoots, live aid, charity concerts etc, they were quite busy but wherever they went Taehyung was there with them. Jungkook acted very awkward at first wanting him to be there with them but couldn’t say it because he thought he shouldn’t have done what he did back then in the park, he should have stopped just with a simple, friendly hug but couldn’t control himself and not being familiar with this new feeling he felt quite strange, he was in love with Sia so what was this between him and Taehyung, he tried to avoid Taehyung but ended up looking for him, craving for just one glance. Taehyung understood his inner turmoil and told him to just focus on work and his health and not to worry about such issues, this quite relieved Jungkook and he asked Taehyung to accompany him in all the places he goes just for his peace of mind, and his doc did so even attending after parties with Jungkook. 

Everybody was surprised to see Jungkook smiling more and acting all goofy and enjoying the concerts and T.V shows, even the interviews, though he still comments on the interviewers, still hate being interviewed but if necessary doesn’t bother to say no and goes with it. People also started talking of the presence of Taehyung and the way these too live in their own world when around, things like this are never missed by the hawk eyes of the paparazzi and they didn’t thought much before writing about these changes and this special and important person near Jungkook, they asked many times about it but never got the answer, Jungkook would either change it or make a joke putting the question aside, neither he or Taehyung were worried about these matters. These kind of news die down like they rise. Other band members just watched and said nothing though they told Taehyung how they once thought Jungkook is very smart but now he is acting like a fool to his own feelings. What could Taehyung say to it, he can just wait for Jungkook to realize.

They were all gathered in a room having successfully finished with the show now having their meal. Taehyung and Jungkook separated by tables, Taehyung was sitting with some members of agency while Jungkook with the managers and other important members that work hard with Freed, both were sitting apart though this didn’t stop them from exchanging glances from time to time. Freed got up thanking everyone for the hard work while raising their glasses for a toast, Jungkook glances at Taehyung who raises his glass too eyes fixed on him, giving a warm smile, all Jungkook could do was blush and nod while they drink from their glasses gaze still lingering on each other. Taehyung eats the food in his plate and gets up as soon as he finishes it, throwing one last glance at Jungkook before leaving. Jungkook watches Taehyung leave the room then looks at his food, quickly finishing it up and gets up too, he walks out in a rush thinking that Taehyung might have already left the place, he closes the door behind him ready to run but stops holding his breath seeing Taehyung leaning against the wall, scrolling through his phone, Taehyung looks up and smiles.

“Not bad you eat pretty quick” Jungkook rubs his nape, sighing in relief. He walks towards Taehyung.

“I thought you left” He says now walking alongside Taehyung.

“I was waiting for you” Taehyung says looking at him.

“What if I didn’t come?” He asks.

“Then I would have waited a little longer” Taehyung says quickly not needing time to think of the answer, Jungkook smiles hearing it.

“You really have quite a free time” He teases.

“Only for you” Jungkook doesn’t say it but his heart thumps wildly hearing it making him feel giddy inside, then Sia flashes in his mind and his mood drops down. Taehyung notices it but says nothing as they walk in the empty gallery of the agency, his hands in his long coat; he glances again at Jungkook who was staring at him.

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