All Apologies

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Taehyung walks in the house and is soon engulfed in the embrace of his brothers, they look at him and then narrow their eyes.

“You look thin, you might be missing hyung’s hand made food” Jin says taking his bag, Jimin looks at the bandaged hand.

“This is worst than we thought, were you not taking care of it” He asks concerned.

“I am fine, don’t worry” Taehyung goes to his room, “Let me take a shower then we can talk” 

“Yes we are heating the food, do it fast, I am hungry” Jin says as the two brothers goes to get the food set on the table, Taehyung closes the door takes a deep breath, it is always comforting to be at home, he takes his time and walks back taking a shower, his hyungs were already sitting on the dining while watching T.V, they smile looking at him and soon the three starts eating the food.

“Do you have any plan for today?” Jin asks Taehyung.

“Not as such, I was thinking of resting, there was a three day seminar, today is its conclusion, Professor asked me to join him today, so I have to be there in the evening” Taehyung answers.

“Actually we had planned earlier to visit mom, if you are interested you can also come with us, she was asking for you” Jimin tells him. Taehyung thinks about it, it would be rather a good opportunity to go with them together, he agrees continuing to eat.

It takes them an hour to get ready and reach their mother’s home, a nanny taking care of their mother welcomes them and takes them to her, she was watching T.V seeing her sons she gets up happily hugging them. 

“Tae, are you really my son, you seldom visit me, learn from your brothers they take care of me so well” Byeol scolds.

“I am sorry, I was out on tour…I informed you before going there” Taehyung tells patiently, she thinks for a while and then waves her hand.

“Doesn’t matter, you should call at least” She says.

“I will make up to you so you won’t remain angry anymore” Taehyung says hugging her back, she felt happy and then looked back at the three.

“My boys have grown so well, your father will feel proud when he returns and find you like this” She ruffles Jimin’s hair.

“Mom we are in contact with dad, he is already seeing us grow” Jin looks at the other two who were quiet “He asks about your health” Jin actually tells the truth, his father does ask for their mother’s well being.

She looks down in disappointment “Just that nothing else, he never calls me” she murmurs. Taehyung was about to say something when she looks up again at them, pulling on a happy face again “He might be busy, let’s not talk about it today I am very happy you three are here together just at the right time” She says cheerfully. The three releases the breath they were holding and follows her as she goes back to sit where she was before when they entered, they also make themselves comfortable sitting next to her. She picks up an envelope waving it in front of them with a smile.

“Who wants to guess what it has” She asks happily. The three knew but act like they are thinking hard, the nanny brings some snacks for them smiling at the three and leaves.

“I think it has money” Jimin plays along. She looks at him in disappointment and smacks on his arm, making Jin laugh.

“Earning so well still thinking of money, it is wrong” She looks at Taehyung who was about to say something and shushes him “You don’t dare speak” and then turns her gaze to Jin who was expecting it “This is for my elder son, though you two can look too but it is for him to decide” Jimin snickers as she hands the envelope to Jin. He opens it and finds several photographs of beautiful ladies; he lays each of them on table for others to see too, Taehyung and Jimin wolf whistle seeing the pictures.

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