The lonely shepherd

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Jungkook opens his eyes, it takes few seconds for him to adjust to the light in the room, he looks around and finds the room quiet, he then takes a quick glance at himself touching him and to his bandaged hand and the other hand that was taped too as if he was given IV drip, he squints lazily and tries to sit when the voice of Hoseok startles him.

“There, there, you are finally awake, be careful” He says as he rushes towards Jungkook to help him sit but Jungkook declines doing it himself and leaning on the headboard, he now sees the other two mates are there too, Yoongi was dozing off on sofa while Namjoon was reading some book seeing him wake up, he keeps it aside.

“You scared us this time, it was not at all funny” Namjoon says, Jungkook just looks down at his hand.

“But it was of no use, I am still here” he says dejectedly.

“We are grateful to Taehyung, for you being here, he was the one who kept on warning but everyone ignored him, now he might be struggling with his job because they want to blame him for everything” Yoongi says lazily waking up.

“Where is he?” Jungkook asks, worry and shame evident in his eyes.

“Jay’s office” Hoseok answers him handing him juice which he declines again.

“It is good for him to leave there is nothing better for him here, he is just wasting his time and talent here, moreover I am not at all happy he saved me” Jungkook says looking at the window.

“Stop saying this and stop pretending, you know how much it hurts him when you push him away each time, there was nobody who looked after you like he did” Yoongi retorts.

“I don’t want any” Jungkook says slowly his wrist still having pain.

“Okay, we will talk about it later I am just happy that you are fine, I have informed the doctor he will be here any moment” Hoseok says looking towards the door.

“Yeah, right now your health is more important, let’s talk about other things later” Namjoon says, patting Yoongi to calm him.

“Were you all here all the time?” Jungkook asks slowly and quite disappointed for seeing light again.

“No, we decided to be on shifts but Taehyung was there throughout the night, I don’t know if he slept, it was just an hour ago he left to meet Jay” Jungkook feels warm inside hearing it but ignores the feeling.

“What are they talking about?” he asks.

“Not your concern you just need to rest that is what he said to us too” Namjoon says walking towards him and handing him the juice, not letting Jungkook decline it.

“What is with calling him by name all of a sudden?” he asks taking a sip.

“We feel he is good, friendly and we respect him, feels close to him, that you don’t understand and gratefulness that only we feel”

Jungkook closes his eyes recalling the incident he feels embarrassed again being caught in such a vulnerable and pitiful state on top of that his hyungs were just talking about someone he wanted to avoid right now.

“You better rest” Yoongi says, looking at his face that showed his inner turmoil, the doctor arrives at the same moment to check up on Jungkook, he examines and tells them that Jungkook is doing fine, there will be weakness but nothing serious the wound will heal too sooner, they do the dressing again and leaves. Jungkook looks outside it was afternoon, he had no idea for how long he slept but looking at his mates faces he might have slept for long.

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