Voting: going on

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Well here we go again........

I was looking at Master. K, ignoring the irritating voice at the back of my mind.

"New mission? So soon" I asked trying to act nonchantlant.

"Well yes, why not. Cyril came back up from the scouting and he had found about a rather very good callen Just in the nearby town" Master. K said at ease, now that he was done with the plesentaries.

"I guess no isn't an option, tell me everything then" I said with a sigh. This was all getting so boring and tiring.

"Well according to Cyril this guy was found at  serrolake city......Cyril heard about this guy rather than saw him" Master. K informed leaning back on the bed.

"Wait, you mean Cyril just heard about this guy. He didn't see him" I asked shock, "Isn't there a possibility that he must've left the town by now"

"Nope. Not really, most if the callen each take a city under their command. This helos them save time and energy.... Only very powerful ones choose to travel around fighting"

"That makes sense" I said nodding, "Why didn't Cyril take him out"

"That's because I ordered him not to. Its not wise to show both our cards at the same time. Let them think that there's only one kiler. Also the callen in question is a formidable one even by normal status" Master. K warned at the end.

"Why is that" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Well for one. He seems to be an agressive one. Cyril heard that he had killed innocents just to show his power and not only that.... He said something about him being a little pecuilar" master. K said tilting his chin to remember.

"What kind of pecuilarity"

"He said something about him being naked feet or like that...... "

"What!" I shouted disbelivingly.

"Don't shout on me, it's not me who's nake feeted"

"Doesn't he give you any kind of deception regarding how he looks. Anything specific"  I asked.

"Nope, I told u its only what je heard, he didn't saw him" Master. K replied with a shrug.

"You mean I will have to go there and look at everyones feet and see if they are wearing any footwears or not" I said with a groan.

"Seems like it" Master. K said his face consorting as he tried to keep his face straight.

Just my luck to always and up in bizzare situation and with unbearable companions, I thought to myself with a groan.

Hey who do you mean by unbearable

"Don't worry, I doubt it will be hard. Pack up your things" Master. K said throwing a pouch towards me, "There are some things inside there that u might require for the mission"

"Well, will I be taking my bike" I said with my heads down, giving up all hopes.

"Yes... gear up Dylan, I wish you luck for the mission" he said and with that he got up and left the room.

I went to the cupboard and changed into my black assasination clothes, I hung the pouch on the belt and the sword on my back. Ready,  I made my way to the garage.

The workers have already taken out my vehicle, it looked clean and repaired.

My mouths curled up in a smile, atleast I will be getting some good time on the bike.

Getting on the bike, I started its electic mechanism and it sped out of the castle with a blast.

The ride was fun as I navigatred through the crowd and the roads till outside the capital.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2020 ⏰

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