I and my nurse

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I closed my eyes instinctively and waited for death that was sure to come. I was happy though atleast it will be quick.

That's when I felt a jerk and bounced up twice before stopping still floating. I opened my eyes to see that I was just a hand distance away from the ground.

I craned my neck to look back and saw that I was hanging from a chain.

I looked at the part of the chain attached to my wrist, my hand clutching it tightly.

This must be the chain that has bounded the sword with me the first time I had come here, I had no idea that it can extend to such a length, I thought grateful of its help.

You are hella lucky, I will give you that.

And just like that I had a wide grin on my face as I hung there, swaying like a chandler.

Five minutes passed and then ten, I just hung there.

Um- don't you think its enough monkey man antic for a day, not that I am complaining or anything. I actually like seeing you suspending like this but still......

"Yeah right, okay...... Wait how do I get down," I said a little clueless.

Just think about it, duh

"Think about what?"

Think about the sword letting you go, moron.

"Okay," I said and thought to the sword urging him to let me go.

It worked I fell face down with a thud, the chains had disappeared.

Sometimes I think what will you do without me.

I was about to retort back when something heavy clonked on my head and all started going black. The last thing I heard before passing out was the alarm blaring from the tower.


I opened my eyes to the familiar sight of Eli, she was there sitting at the end of my bed looking at the monitor. I groaned and tried to sit up.

"Don't, just lie down" she said concerned and pulled me gently to the bed.

"wh-what happened" I stuttered, my tongue felt heavy.

"I don't know, the guards heard the blaring from the tower and quickly went to check. They saw you unconscious there that's why they bought you here, do you have any idea of what happened,"

"No, I just remember falling down from the fourth floor...."

"What! you fell from the fourth floor," she asked shocked.

"Chill, I didn't actually fell all the way down. I got suspended in the air at the last moment because of the chains from my sword" I said assuring her.

"I see, that was a close call though," she said releasing her breath.

"Yep, better to fall down from a shorthand distance, then to die from a four-floor high fall," I said.

She gave a small smile and I looked around the room, she caught me looking around.

"What are you looking for,"

"Where's my sword, I can't see it here," I asked her still looking around.

"Here," she said taking out the sword from beneath the bed "the guard found it just beside you when they came for you"

"Besides my head," I said slowly, thinking.

"Yes, why?"

"The sword should be struck on the fourth floor if I was hanging on it. So, what was it doing beside me" I explained.

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