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I got up from the bed as a knock came on the door. Going to the door I opened it to see that Master. K was standing there.

"Hallo, Dylan. Can I come in"

I nodded unsure about what he was doing here. I moved away a little so that he can come in.

He came in and went to bed and sat down, I closed the door and stood there leaning on the door.

"I wanted to say congratulations to you Dylan," he said giving me his tight smile. That was supposed to mean he cared. I didn't fell for it.

"Thank you, anything else," I asked nonchalantly.

I was in no mood for short pleasantries. Also, I doubt he would've taken the trouble to come all the way here only to wish me. As my conscience had said, he wasn't the type.

"Well, actually there is. You didn't brief me about the mission" Master. K reminded me.

Shit, I swore internally. With all the Cyril drama and the vanishing place meeting Master. K had entirely escaped my mind.

"I am sorry Master. K, it's..... Um... I forgot to meet you..... I am sorry" I said apologetically.

"It's alright, would you like to brief me now or should I wait for another time," He said.

The jibe didn't go unnoticed by me. He was starting to doubt me. It was my fault, after all, guess I will have to make amends.

"The mission went really smooth Master. K, the Aldeteron was defeated......" I said and trailed off not knowing what else to say.

"Did you defeat him all by yourself" Master. K asked raising an eyebrow.

What should I say now, I definitely can't say that I defeated him alone, he will catch me easily. But, if I said that my friends helped me then he will surely ask me to make them come here and join or worse to kill them.

" Master. K..... there actually were -um- some more callen..... that....... that helped me......." I said with a lot of stuttering.

"What did you do with them after the Aldeteron was defeated"

" I let them go, there wasn't any order about killing any other callen..... And um.... actually one of them did got killed during the attack" I said making up things while sticking as close to the truth as I could.

"Fair point. It's good to see that you have started following orders Dylan" he said eyeing me.

What has happened to him, this was his second attempt at jibbing on me. Is he alright, I thought.

"So Dylan how was the experience, going into the battlefield for the first time" Master. K asked in his loud voice.

"Um-er...... It was nice" I said whilst giving him a convincing smile.

What can I say, it wasn't like I actively participated into the battle. I was just on the sidelines, it wasn't even me who had defeated that ginormous octopus.

"I am glad that you are alive after this mission. You did a very good job Dylan" he said not minding the uneasiness of the answer that I had given.

I expected him to get up and leave now, as I thought the briefing was done but, he still remained seated there with no intention of leaving. I crossed my hands and waited for Master. K to say.

"Well, Dylan I am sorry," he said unexpectedly, shocking me.

This wasn't what I thought he was going to say this was totally new to me.

The CALLEN's: {dylan's P.O.V}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin