The callen with three weapons

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I turned and took hold of the boy.

"Why did you do that," I said and punched him hard on the face.

Turning I looked at the crowd where the man was, I looked at the girl he had just shot. she was alive, scared but, alive. She was looking around at her to see, where the bullet had hit her.

Seeing that the shot had missed one of the other men from the crowd quickly kicked at the shooter's hand, the gun flew away from there and landed in front of me. I quickly picked up the gun as well as my sword.

"You did something didn't you," I said looking at the boy whom I had punched.

The boy nodded, messaging his face, I could see a dirty bruise forming there.

"I am sorry," I said going to him and helping him up.

"It's alright, all thanks to you I saved that girl," the little boy said shooing his hands like a fan.

"You shot at his hands with something at the last moment, that changed the direction of the shot," I said realizing.

"Yes," he said nodding and took out a catapult from his clothes "I was hiding it by covering it with my neck. While I pretended to be scared"

"Well looks like you didn't need my help here afterall, you could've had handled it all by yourself," I said looking in the crowd to see that the people had already caught hold of the man and were tying him up.

"What will you do with him," I asked.

"I don't, the village elders will decide upon it," the boy said with a shrug.

"I have few questions," I said looking at the boy he was looking at me too. It looked like he knew what was going through my mind.

"What do you want to know"

"First of all I am Dylan, also who are these men and why are they doing this," I asked.

"You already know they are Aldgarisans..." he said and I nodded "...What you didn't know is that they work for a callen"

"Callen, what do they get by working for a callen, and what type of person is he that these people are ready to die for him," I asked perplexed.

"That's too much question, Dylan. Let me explain..." the boy said sitting down and then started explaining.

"He will kill these people if they don't work for him. Also if their life isn't the only thing, he also promises them riches. But, even if you so much as said something bad against him you will be facing the gods"

"How does he pay them, I myself had not much currency of this place"

"Simple, he loots, plunders, and asks money from us as the fees for sparing our lives," The boy said clenching his fist.

"That's so very cruel, who is this callen," I asked feeling sorry for the people.

"We don't know him by name, but he goes by the title The Callen with three weapons," the boy said "You do know that the winning callen becomes the king"

I nodded and he continued.

"This callen we are talking about already rules over seven villages, he is the king there. All the villagers pay him money there as a fee, it is collected by his minions from that village, who later give it to him"

"Where can I find him, tell me, boy. I will kill him" I was serious, this callen didn't deserve to live with all the things he was doing.

"I appreciate your concern but, no one knows where he is now. He is always traveling in search of new villages to conquer and add to his collection" the boy said distastefully.

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