Caught red handed

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After stacking myself with some of my favourite flavours of ice cream I was ready to go back to the castle.

Taking my leave and started towards the castle. it was dark now as there was no moon. Streetlights and the lights from the shops were the only source of brightness.

I was walking down the path, thinking about what Mr. Brodbeck had told me. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of me and Eli together.

It was never going to workout, for various reasons. First being the apparent age difference between us and also the fact that I could die any moment in this world.

This time when the thought of dying crossed my mind I wasn't afraid, just determined. I knew now that it was no use running from this now.

If I had to survive then I will have to fight, it was as simple as that. Also now that I knew that I wasn't the only one who was struck in this world, I wasn't alone now, I had friends here.

With all these thoughts in mind I reached the castle. The guard at the gate recognized me and I was ushered in. I was in no mood of roaming around or enjoying the beauty of the garden in the night.

I was tired, I realized it as I entered the familiar surrounding of the castle. I made a beeline to the left stairs, where my room was.

Reaching into the room, I quickly stripped out of my assassination clothes and went to take a hot shower.

The shower freshened me up and I changed into a white sleeveless and red tracks. I had just stashed away my uniform into the cupboard when I heard a knock on the door.

The door opened without my permission and a guard stood there, I looked at him.

"Master. K sents his congratulations to you for the successful completion of the given mission..." he said standing in attention.

I give him a nod, thinking that that must be all I turn back around towards the cupboard.

"... Also you are to meet him first thing in the morning tomorrow. He wants you to brief him on what happened there"

This time I turn back to him, shutting the cupboard as I turn.

"I don't mind briefing him now, I am all free" I remarked sarcastically, this guard was getting on my nerves for some reason.

"Um- I don't know" he said hesitantly and before I could say something, he went away.

Moving across the room I went to the door and closed it. Sighing I went to the bed and plopped myself up.

"ugh......" I said irritated after few minutes. I didn't feel like sleeping now. Thanks to the hot shower and the guard.

I got up from my bed and went out, I was planning to take a walk in a garden.

The hallway was light only by few torchlights that was situated along the passage but, they weren't the only one giving lights. Cyril's door was ajar and light was coming from it.

I went to the door in order to meet him, afterall I had to give him the ice cream that Mr. Brodbeck had packed for him.

I reached the door and was about to open it when I heard a sob. I stopped and peeped from the small opening.

Cyril was crying, he was looking at some thing on his lap and was sobbing, he had his back towards the door. I couldn't see what he was looking at.

"....I can't forgive myself...... I miss you" he said in between sobs.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, was he missing his family?

Ofcourse he is missing his family, unlike you

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