The four towers

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The shadow was about to stab the sleeping figure, he bought down his hand, when he figured stopped and shuddered.

Confused I turned to the guard to ask what was happening. He was holding a gun, I looked at him quizzically.

"No time for this, go and call any guard or officer you found," he said with a note of urgency.

I nodded and started down the stairs, my legs were shaking badly. I looked around frantically to find anybody but, couldn't find a single soul.

That's when I remembered about the courtroom, two guards always stood guarding the door. I started running towards the courtroom, stumbling a little on my shaking leg.

I reached to the front at last and was glad to see a guard resting near the pillar in front of the courtroom.

"Sir, -hufh- sir ple-please come with me -hufh- you are ne-needed urgently," I said in between breaths.

"What are you talking about boy, calm down and then say"

I took in a deep breath and exhaled calming my racing nerves.

"Sir, someone in the back quarters was trying to kill. One of the guards told me to inform about this to any guard I found"

"Wait, did you say the back quarter?" he asked nervously and I nodded.

"Oh, shit....." he said and started running to the room.

Don't tell me you are going to run behind him.

I ignored the nagging voice and started running to catch up with the guard.

Curse you.

We reached the room quickly only to see two people standing looking down at the figure who was lying on the ground.

I realized that the lying body was of Nkosi when I reached them. The other two- master K. and the guard who had sent me to call another guard, were standing looking at Nkosi's body.

They stopped talking when they saw us coming.

"What's Nkosi doing here and why is he lying down like that?" I asked perplexed "is he....."

"No, he isn't dead, just unconscious. The guard shot him with the tazer pallet that shocked him unconscious" master.K said assuringly.

"But, why did the guard shoot him?" I asked confused.

"He was going to kill the king, didn't you see it," guard number one said.

"You mean he was the shadow, that we saw sometimes ago?" I asked him disbelievingly.

"Enough of this, what are you doing here Dylan?" master K.e asked in a loud voice.

"I-I was j-just......" I had no idea what to say, should I tell them the truth or lie, luckily as it happened I didn't need to say anything, guard number one answered the question.

"He was the one, who saw him first" the guard explained and proceeded to tell the whole tale.

"hmm... looks like you were the one who saved the day," he said with a smile, I looked up at him proudly "Anyways you should go back to your room now, its already late, we don't want you to be late for your first lesson tomorrow, do we"

I was more than happy to get of there and gladly went back to my room.

I slumped down on the bed once I reached the room. That was when the question started forming in my mind, that too serious ones.

Why was Nkosi trying to kill the king, what will happen to him now, who must've told Nkosi to kill the king? But, most important of all who was the king?

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