Mr Brodbeck's revelation

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"What happened," I asked now worried, we were walking.

"How should I say this, its all my fault" Mr. Brodbeck was babbling to himself.

"Mr. Brodbeck, you are frightening me, is everything alright," I asked looking at him.

"No, nothing is right," he said in a stressed voice.

"Did something happen to you"

"No no boy I am alright," he said assuring me.

"Is it about your shop then, did the king did something to it" I suddenly asked.

An image of burning and ransacked shop came to my mind, I shook my head to clear it away.

"No boy, the shop and all the people working there are fine," he said still looking straight and walking worriedly.

"Is your........." I started to say.

"......Yes my brother is alright too. Nothing is wrong with me" he said cutting me off.

Well, I was surprised and relieved. Relieved because he was alright and nothing had happened to him, surprised because he had guessed me correctly.

I was indeed going to ask about his brother. I realized something then, that in this weird and unfamiliar world. I had finally found someone who I can rely on. It was as if a huge burden lifting of me as this thought came to my mind.

Then the faces of both my friends came to my mind and the burden was back. I had already decided that I am not going to tell about them to the king or master. K, this will just out their life in more danger than it already is.

But, I was debating whether I should tell Mr. Brodbeck about this or not.

Suddenly something came to my mind.

"Mr. Brodbeck is the thing you going to tell me related to the castle," I asked hoping against hope that he will say no.

But, to my dismay, he nodded his head. I was so scared to ask the next question that I didn't even want to ask it but, I knew it was important.

"Is that thing about Cyril?" I asked finally.

He suddenly stopped and looked at me and my heart sank, looks like I was right.

"What did you say," He asked expressionless, it was frightening.

I repeated my question.

"Oh, no it's not about him. I misheard the first time, sorry" He said with a sigh and again started to walk.

Well, that was one less thing to worry about, Also he might've come back from his scouting. I would like to meet him, after all, he was the only one who could relate to what I was going through.

I made a mental note to meet him first thing when I reach the castle but, for now I should concentrate on the problem that Mr. Brodbeck is not telling me.

"Mr. Brodbeck please tell me already what is bothering you," I said turning back to the jolly man.

I felt bad to see a happy guy like him tensed, it didn't suit him at all.

"You shouldn't have gone for such a long time" he whispered ignoring me and I was barely able to make out what he said.

But, what I heard made me even more curious.

"Stupid, stupid me. I should've come sooner, I could have easily prevented it" he again whispered.

This time I heard it perfectly as I had my whole concentration on him.

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